(ARTICLE) The Hyball: We Need To Commend Patrick McCaffery

Bobby Loesch

Scout Team
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2023
The Hyball is a weekly basketball column.

The work happens after the statement.

Or maybe before. Maybe during. Maybe after. Probably all three.

Because mental health takes a non-linear path and is not visible in the same way broken bones are, it is rarely comprehended by our very narrative-driven and very visual society.

This then burdens the sufferers to tell us about their suffering. When they do, it is not always easy. But my hope is it can be freeing.

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Yooooooooooooo -- my name is Bobby, and is my first column for Rivals/GIA. I am an Iowa grad based in Chicago (originally from Naperville, IL) who grew up a Michigan/Washington State fan, so that is my unholy trinity of college allegiances. Also: I very much read the comments, so I welcome any and all dialogue, feedback, or engagement; honestly, it's the primary reason I write. Looking forward to meeting a bunch of y'all in this digital space going forward now that I'm finished writing what feels like a bio for a dating app.
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Give Young Mr McCaffrey the same understanding, patience, & his respect for privacy as the world afforded Simone Biles when she revealed her mental health issues. She was a hero, rightly so.
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I havent seen any criticisim of the decision.
You're right -- I have not either. I wasn't necessarily trying to write a reaction to a strawman argument but more was trying to take the angle of "I think we all can agree this is good, but let's also appreciate how quickly sports have evolved where an athlete can now be comfortable doing this." I probably missed the mark in driving that home. But, like, 2010 was only 13 years ago, and it's really difficult to see this happening even less than a decade and a half ago. We're for sure in a better place now.
I feel like all these articles and tweets are counter-productive to someone with anxiety. Isn't there some kind of injury list he can be put on without making national headlines?
Very good point -- and maybe, in the future, it will be that way. Not apples to apples, but it's probably how coming out felt in the 1990s compared to now. Everything evolves, and my guess is once this happens more and more, you will see it on a subtle report and have it be less of a statement. For now, I think it is possible the people speaking out on these struggles want to help move along the conversation and help others in need do the same.
I feel like all these articles and tweets are counter-productive to someone with anxiety. Isn't there some kind of injury list he can be put on without making national headlines?
My question is, why are those effected praised for going public & there's an immediate statement to my like request is made in almost the same breath?
Why, because someone with a platform has in the past & I suggest will always on the future; example the same Simone Biles was brutalized in some media, including sports talking heads.
Don't tell me there are no insensitive idiots on message boards, even trolls, that that relish making such remarks.
I would suggest & hope this board remains respectful.
I feel like all these articles and tweets are counter-productive to someone with anxiety. Isn't there some kind of injury list he can be put on without making national headlines?
My question is, why are those effected praised for going public & there's an immediate statement to my like request is made in almost the same breath?
Why, because someone with a platform has in the past & I suggest it will in the future; example the same Simone Biles was brutalized in some media, including sports talking heads.
Don't tell me there are no insensitive idiots on message boards, even trolls, that relish making such remarks.
I would suggest & hope this board remains respectful.
Yooooooooooooo -- my name is Bobby, and is my first column for Rivals/GIA. I am an Iowa grad based in Chicago (originally from Naperville, IL) who grew up a Michigan/Washington State fan, so that is my unholy trinity of college allegiances. Also: I very much read the comments, so I welcome any and all dialogue, feedback, or engagement; honestly, it's the primary reason I write. Looking forward to meeting a bunch of y'all in this digital space going forward now that I'm finished writing what feels like a bio for a dating app.
Welcome Bobby, I have enjoyed your Hybrid/hyball articles on GIA for several years, and glad to have you all move over where I spend most of my time on the message boards.
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Welcome Bobby, I have enjoyed your Hyball articles on GIA for several years, and glad to have you all move over where I spend most of my time on the message boards.
Thank you much -- and happy to help consolidate!
I have. A tweet after his decision. It said something like : how can anyone play in the NBA or a regular job, if you just take time off when you feel like it?
Saw one as well today; the user had, like, 50 followers, so didn't seem worth sharing.