The Hyball is a weekly basketball column.
The work happens after the statement.
Or maybe before. Maybe during. Maybe after. Probably all three.
Because mental health takes a non-linear path and is not visible in the same way broken bones are, it is rarely comprehended by our very narrative-driven and very visual society.
This then burdens the sufferers to tell us about their suffering. When they do, it is not always easy. But my hope is it can be freeing.
The work happens after the statement.
Or maybe before. Maybe during. Maybe after. Probably all three.
Because mental health takes a non-linear path and is not visible in the same way broken bones are, it is rarely comprehended by our very narrative-driven and very visual society.
This then burdens the sufferers to tell us about their suffering. When they do, it is not always easy. But my hope is it can be freeing.