Associated Press's three-year investigation into Jan. 6 riot evidence and footage . . .


HB King
Gold Member
Must-read. Unfortunately, most of the people in most dire need of education will ignore it.

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Must-read. Unfortunately, most of the people in most dire need of education will ignore it. Cal Woodward of "Watergate" fame is one of the three lead authors.

They'll hit reply with this image:

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Must-read. Unfortunately, most of the people in most dire need of education will ignore it. Cal Woodward of "Watergate" fame is one of the three lead authors.

I can try and help them, though:

TL;DR Summary:

Inside Washington's federal courthouse, the grim reality of January 6, 2021, is starkly evident through extensive evidence and testimony, revealing the violence and chaos that unfolded as rioters attacked police, shattered windows, and sought out lawmakers. This judicial perspective contrasts sharply with Donald Trump's portrayal of the event, where he has framed the rioters as patriots rather than insurrectionists, suggesting they are victims of a political persecution. Trump’s narrative, which includes promises to potentially pardon convicted rioters if re-elected, runs counter to the documented severity of the attack and the judicial findings against those involved.

Despite the clear evidence of violence and the conviction of hundreds of rioters, Trump and many of his supporters continue to downplay the events of January 6, asserting that the rioters were unfairly targeted and that their actions were misrepresented. This disinformation campaign has gained traction among some Republicans and has influenced public perception, with many minimizing the violence of the riot. The ongoing debate highlights a significant divide in how the events are remembered and interpreted, with some lawmakers and public figures continuing to challenge the established facts of that day.
I'm still healing from this. We don't realize how close we as a country came that day to being overtaken by that angry mob!
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I'm still healing from this. We don't realize how close we as a country came that day to being overtaken by that angry mob!
This is such a stupid argument for minimizing.

World War I started because of the actions of one deranged anarchist.

Small but pivotal events can have world-altering reprecussions. From a historical perspective, Jan. 6 wasn't even a "minor" event. As noted - the LARGEST SINGLE DAY ASSAULT ON LAW ENFORCEMENT in U.S. History.

You minimize it because you don't want to admit the truth.

An officer helping an elderly woman get out of the way a second before the man pointing the finger assaults him.
Watch the video @KFsdisciple . He moves the woman out of the way and the guy pointing the finger drives him back. And I say that knowing it won't matter. You could have been standing right there and seen it in person and you'd still lie about what happened just like your orange god. You need to change your nickname..."DJTsdisciple" would fit much better.

Edit: what am I talking about, you'd have been right in there beating on the officers then claiming "self-defense" when your case went to trial. Heads-up...Thomas Webster played that stupid card and got ten years.
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Cal Woodward of Watergate Fame?

I think you might be conflating a couple of people into one, and let's hope that if it's one of the two of them, it's actually Carl, who I respect a lot, especially since Bob sorta jumped the shark when he came out with that whole "Bill Casey spilled the beans to me when I sneaked into the Georgetown Hospital ICU and interviewed him when he was on the brink of death" story.

On the other hand, if it's Cal Woodward, not of Watergate fame, I think he's a fairly workmanlike journalist.

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This is such a stupid argument for minimizing.

World War I started because of the actions of one deranged anarchist.

Small but pivotal events can have world-altering reprecussions. From a historical perspective, Jan. 6 wasn't even a "minor" event. As noted - the LARGEST SINGLE DAY ASSAULT ON LAW ENFORCEMENT in U.S. History.

You minimize it because you don't want to admit the truth.
The Russian revolution started as some dumb college kids. Then ended up with mass executions. Later followed by Stalin a few years later with a purge.
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Cal Woodward of Watergate Fame?

I think you might be conflating a couple of people into one, and let's hope that if it's one of the two of them, it's actually Carl, who I respect a lot, especially since Bob sorta jumped the shark when he came out with that whole "Bill Casey spilled the beans to me when I sneaked into the Georgetown Hospital ICU and interviewed him when he was on the brink of death" story.

On the other hand, if it's Cal Woodward, not of Watergate fame, I think he's a fairly workmanlike journalist.

I misread the byline, you are correct
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I misread the byline, you are correct
No worries but as to the general principle, if an inadvertent error has that much comedic potential, let alone being susceptible to tying up in an Abbott and Costello bow, you can’t just let it sit there…
I will never understand how any U.S. Citizen (aka: 'Merican) can watch the video where the insurrectionists enter the Senate Chambers (caught on film saying, "While we're here, we might as well set up a government") and start rifling through the personal papers of the Senators and just be ho hum about it. How that is just "meh, no big deal" to anyone is absolutely beyond me.

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