ATV Insurance?


Apr 17, 2006
Anybody here have ATV's and get insurance on them? I just bought one for hunting and ice fishing. Will probably pull the kids around a bit on the snow too. Was curious what people think. Do you get it? It's only $125/year. (That's liability only.) That's all I would need if I did do it. But I'm Dutch.
Anybody here have ATV's and get insurance on them? I just bought one for hunting and ice fishing. Will probably pull the kids around a bit on the snow too. Was curious what people think. Do you get it? It's only $125/year. (That's liability only.) That's all I would need if I did do it. But I'm Dutch.
As an insurance agent you are nuts not to get it. To not get it is penny wise and pound foolish.
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Better have a $10 million dollar umbrella policy to go with it. When you friends Or kids friends break their necks on it if they don't sue your ass to the Stone Age you can bet their medical insurance carrier will even if your friend doesn't want them to.
I insure my golf cart and it goes far slower and over pretty flat ground. It is well worth the $10 a month.
Better have a $10 million dollar umbrella policy to go with it. When you friends Or kids friends break their necks on it if they don't sue your ass to the Stone Age you can bet their medical insurance carrier will even if your friend doesn't want them to.
Or both. Umbrella insurance is relatively inexpensive also.