B1G Championships-Session 1 : PBP Thread

Immediately Kem in on a leg.
Trying to tree top.
On his shoulder.
Danishek is fighting it off
Danieshek on a leg.
Ironside thought it was a TD for Kem
Sweep single by Dani
Crushed by Kem
FH and looking to score of Dani shot
And as hard as it's been, Kem has an easy as pie ankle pick TD
Hip Tilt and suicide roll Dani rolls though the half
Another tilt.
Counts? 4 of them
End of 1
1:18 Rt.

2nd Kem down
Kem on a shot immediately
Nolf on deck Mat 2.
Sounds like he's going at least a couple of matches today and then checking. At least according to Ironside.
I've got my earbuds in one ear and video on my computer. Wife is talking to me in the other ear.

Wife- "Did you know they put the tip on the bill last night (we had a group of 6) and if I hadn't looked, it would have been a double tip?"

Vall- "Wow, that's something"

Multi-tasking!! You ARE the MAN! :)
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Do you get team points for a first round bye?

If you win your next match after a bye, you get the advancement point from the first round as well as your advancement point for the second round win. Otherwise, no bonus points given for a bye.

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