Back from Hilton… my thoughts about the game

Fandom always amazes me. Who we consider a d-bag is largely based on what jersey they wear. If Niang played for Iowa, suddenly he is viewed differently. If Pollard was the Iowa AD (and did for Iowa what he has done for ISU), he is viewed differently. As for Bohannon, my opinion of him is based upon what others (people I trust who do know him) have told me. Leaving his shoes on the Hilton court, his behavior in the bar last summer, and comments on social media only reinforce what I have been told.

Athletes behavior on the court doesn't bother me that much. Players at that level need a certain degree of swagger. Caitlin Clark is a perfect example. She comes across a certain way (not all of it is positive), but someone at her level needs to be VERY confident. Others may see that as cocky. Whatever. She is a great player. Hawkeye fans love her. Fans of other teams (ISU for example) may not. If she switches jerseys, suddenly people feel differently about her. Doesn't make any sense. I think this actually happened with Adam Haluska. Cyclone fans loved him, then hated him. He didn't change. The way he played didn't change. Just his jersey color. I don't know how Iowa fans felt about Stacy Frese transferring from Iowa to Iowa State. Anyway, it's dumb to cast generalizations on kids (yes 18-22 year olds are kids) that we don't know.

Maybe the real d-bags are us?
I don’t respect cocky fools…..even if they play for Iowa. Not a JBo fan & still wouldn’t like Niang if he were a Hawk. Caitlin’s confidence is a big reason she’s so good, but she lets her emotions get the best of her. The Joens girl seems to have better composure (from just few games I’ve seen), which is surprising since her dad’s such a nut-job.

While most Hawk fans agree that Barta’s a below-average AD, at least he’s not a low-class tool like Pollard. It shocks me that Clown fans still love him after all the times he’s been a complete embarrassment to their school.
Was Niang cocky? 100% yes. I maintain guys at that level need to be that way to a certain degree. Niang could certainly back it up. All-American at ISU + having a good NBA career.

He got a standing ovation from the KU fans after his last game at Allen Field House. He got the same after his last game in Big 12 tournament (after a loss to OU). When the last time you saw an ESPN-type interview a player from a losing team (I think it was Holly Rowe who interviewed Niang + Buddy Hield).

Was he likeable? I would say yes. If you are an Iowa fan, the answer is probably no though (unless he had played for your team).

Hard to defend Bohanons behavior in that bar. Who punched him isn't a factor. He got what he had coming. That night in the bar, and last night in Ames.
Niang was the real deal. If he had not broken his foot in the tourney that year Clowns would still be rubbing our noses in it. Still were a sweet 16 team without him.
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JimBob, the whole nature of a message board is sharing opinions + analysis. If you (or anyone on either side of the rivalry) doesn't like or agree with it, so be it.