Beathard says hip hurts, so about those sneaks...


Jun 7, 2015
CJ says that the QB sneak did some damage, so how about this:

Run all future QB sneaks with CJ on the sidelines. Let Mitchell, Plewa, or Cox do it. Why not? It protects CJ and puts the ball into the hands of an RB or a FB. It should take about 5 minutes for those guys to practice taking the snap and piling into the line.

In fact, some might wonder why this strategy wasn't in place long ago given CJ's injuries.

Everybody knows when the sneak is coming, so taking CJ out doesn't exactly tip Iowa's hand. And it would be awesome to fake the sneak and toss a little pass out there, kinda like those Minny plays Saturday.

Anyway, I don't see a downside.
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CJ says that the QB sneak did some damage, so how about this:

Run all future QB sneaks with CJ on the sidelines. Let Mitchell, Plewa, or Cox do it. Why not? It protects CJ and puts the ball into the hands of an RB or a FB. It should take about 5 minutes for those guys to practice taking the snap and piling into the line.

In fact, some might wonder why this strategy wasn't in place long ago given CJ's injuries.

Everybody knows when the sneak is coming, so taking CJ out doesn't exactly tip Iowa's hand. And it would be awesome to fake the sneak and toss a little pass out there, kinda like those Minny plays Saturday.

Anyway, I don't see a downside.
You play too many video games.
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And you've killed too many brain cells.:rolleyes:

Now the reason you don't have the backup QB run the sneak is pretty simple. See if you can follow the logic: Because he's the backup QB. Get it? He's the guy who's one snap away from taking over the job, so no sense in taking the risk with him, PLUS, of course, he hasn't really played.

The backup RB has played, and so have the FBs. They are game ready. And like I said, you really think the QB sneak is a play that fools the defense? If so, you've been watching too much soccer.

You guys are about as creative in your thinking as KF, who now has his starting QB back in the training room for no good reason whatsoever. Congrats on all that.
So what about a direct snap to the fullback? I think the OP was trying to design a play where Beathard wouldn't suffer the effects of running directly into an opposing DT. Beathard on sidelines I'm not buying into.
A large part of our success this season has been the running/scrambling ability of CJ. If he is not able to do that because of his hip or groin or whatever, our offense will not be as effective as it's been.
Hip pointers hurt like a bitch. Here's the scoop.

Hip Pointer
A hip pointer is one sports injury in which you, the athlete, can probably make a diagnosis as quickly and accurately as a physician. You’ll know it has happened when you get hit or fall on your side, and the first thing that absorbs the blow is the outer part of what most people would call the hip bone, which is a misnomer. Actually, a hip pointer is a deep bruise, or contusion, on the top portion of the pelvis that can be felt on either side of the waistline. The distinguishing characteristic is hip pain, plain and simple.

It’s not a career-ender, but it is a painful injury that can keep you out of action for days or weeks if you don’t take care of it and if you rush back into training or competition before it has healed. “It is difficult to manage because the strong muscles that attach put constant stress on the area,” says Lyle J. Micheli, MD, Sports Medicine Director, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

How It Happens

A hip pointer is caused by a direct blow to the top portion of the pelvis, which is called the iliac crest. It could happen with a direct blow taken in a contact sport or when an athlete (skier, cyclist, for example) falls and hits the surface hard.

By the Numbers

  • 1 – 3
    Average number of weeks it takes to return to training or competition after suffering a hip pointer
Who’s At Risk

Athletes who participate in contact sports, especially those who wear little or no protective padding or equipment, are at highest risk. Football players are at the top of the list because 1) they often get hit often by an opponent’s helmet or shoulder pads, 2) they hit the ground hard or 3) both. Other athletes that are vulnerable are those who play hockey, soccer, rugby, or lacrosse, and those who ski and cycle.


  • Sudden pain on the upper, outside part of the iliac crest caused by a blow or a fall
  • Hip pain that gets worse with activities such as running, jumping, twisting, or bending
  • A limp
  • Tenderness in the top area of your hip
  • Limited range of motion at the hip joint
  • Possible bruising and/or swelling
  • Possible muscle spasms in the hip area
Initial Treatment

  • Rest 24-48 hours to prevent further damage. A hip pointer needs time to heal itself.
  • Apply ice packs for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times a day for the first 24-72 hours, but don’t apply ice directly to the skin.
Comeback Strategy

“A hip pointer is a contusion that will take some time to heal,” says Sue Falsone, director of performance physical therapy at Athletes’ Performance. “It is important to move the hip so it does not get stiff and lose range of motion, but you need to respect the healing process as well. Movement should be pain free. Aquatic therapy can often be helpful to maintain range of motion as the tissue is healing. It is also important to protect the area with padding when returning to sport so you don't continue to traumatize the area, creating a long-term problem.”

The pain from a hip pointer can last several weeks, as can pain when the bruised up comes into contact with something or somebody. Everyone recovers from an injury at a different rate, so returning to training and competition will be determined by how soon your hip recovers, not by how many days or weeks it has been since your injury has occurred. However, the condition usually heals within one to three weeks.

Start treatment as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the longer it will take to get better. If you return too soon, you might make the injury worse. Here are some prehab exercises:

How to Avoid This Injury

Most hip pointers are accidental events and cannot be prevented. Wearing protective hip padding appropriate for your sport gives some protection.

Movement Prep

Always warm up with a movement prep routine. Incorporate these exercises into your movement prep:

  1. Lateral Squats
  2. Forward Bound with Mini Band
  3. Lateral Bound
  4. Drop Step Skip
Attention all smart asses. Here's a quote from Beathard as reported in the Press-Citizen:

“It’s third-and-inches, I feel like everybody in the stadium knows we’re going to sneak the ball,” Beathard said. “It’s a matter of us wanting to get it more than they want to stop us.”

So there's that. Exactly what I said, you screamin' nut jobs.

And for those brilliant minds who said why not just hand the ball off, then why the hell haven't they been doing that already? Because the back is 7 yards behind the line of scrimmage, perhaps?

Some of you guys need to stop bouncing off those padded walls.
I wonder why no other team has ever tried the, "let's have the RB line up under center and sneak it" strategy before. Oh, probably because the kid has never taken a live snap before and trying that out on 4th and an inch in a close game would be one of the more idiotic decisions ever.
Say what you want, but I cannot remember the last time Iowa didn't get a first down on a QB sneak. They use it at least 10+ times a year. I think once this year on 3rd down they didn't get it, but then did on 4th.

That's why they do it. It works.

And quite frankly, I got sick and tired the last several years where they did go with the zone run and got stuffed barely before the ball got handed off. We could sit in our armchairs and see the disaster coming.

And say if teams then jam up the middle making it a lot harder? Well now...I seem to recall CJ getting better and better at check with me's at the line where he can stay in formation, yet check to a toss sweep, dive, or play action/rollout etc if need be.
I think Stanzi fumbled on a QB sneak in 2008 once, although it was for a touchdown and not a first down. That would be the last one I can remember that didn't work.

It also helps when you have really good centers, which Iowa typically has (and we happen to have a really, really good one right now)