Bergdahl charged with desertion

Originally posted by BlazinHawk:
Swag, I'm guessing it would be anyone who took the lead from what his platoon mates said... That he deserted them and many were killed looking for him. You know... Those kind of politicos...
Posted from Rivals Mobile

The funny thing is this schmuck just talks and talks. Most ppl I would just kick square in the nuts, wildcat I would punch in the throat.

Guy has obviously lost it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by swagsurfer02:

Originally posted by BlazinHawk:
Swag, I'm guessing it would be anyone who took the lead from what his platoon mates said... That he deserted them and many were killed looking for him. You know... Those kind of politicos...

Posted from Rivals Mobile

The funny thing is this schmuck just talks and talks. Most ppl I would just kick square in the nuts, wildcat I would punch in the throat.

Guy has obviously lost it.

Posted from Rivals Mobile

People say that and the thing you know they get married.

This post was edited on 3/25 6:15 PM by wildcatdad
Originally posted by theiacowtipper:

I still think it was a good thing to get him out of the country, if only to face charges. I don't think it should be the practice of the government of the United States to leave soldiers in a combat zone, even if they've done something like this. The prisoners exchanged for Bergdahl weren't going to be charged with anything. We were going to let them go eventually anyway.
Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by sijoint:

But.....But.......Obama said he served with honor. hahahahahahaha Mr. President, you're so FOS.

His friggin family looks as crazy as he is.
Originally posted by theiacowtipper:
Originally posted by jthawk:

Originally posted by theiacowtipper:

I still think it was a good thing to get him out of the country, if only to face charges.  I don't think it should be the practice of the government of the United States to leave soldiers in a combat zone, even if they've done something like this.  The prisoners exchanged for Bergdahl weren't going to be charged with anything.  We were going to let them go eventually anyway.

You serious Clark?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Of course I'm serious.  What is the alternative?  Prisoner exchanges have been happening since warfare first began.  Is it suddenly horrible now?  Would you like it to be the position of the government that we won't make every attempt to bring soldier's home?  This man hasn't been convicted of any crime.  Until he has, he deserves every protection and consideration that we would give any serviceman or woman. 

For those on the board criticizing Obama on this, what would have been the better choice?  Would it have been better to simply leave him in Afghanistan forever? 

At what price? It took the lives of six US soldiers and a trade of five Taliban leaders that even Obama's people in national intelligence and on the Gitmo board recommended that we not release as a part of this deal, to get someone who the Army knew had deserted. How much more would you be willing to ante up for him?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by theiacowtipper:

For those on the board criticizing Obama on this, what would have been the better choice? Would it have been better to simply leave him in Afghanistan forever?
We should make efforts to free POW's.

Not voluntary deserters.(i.e. Bowe Bergdahl)

Oh, and we are not at war with the Taliban. They are a terrorist organization that doesn't deserve the respect of a legitimate state.

This unprecendented F-up by Obama will be studied for generations.

This post was edited on 3/25 7:05 PM by 22*43*51
Originally posted by wildcatdad:
Originally posted by swagsurfer02:

Originally posted by Metuo Accipiter:

Originally posted by swagsurfer02:

, can you tell us what you mean by he "stepped over the wire"..... I don't speak crazy.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I would assume it's a vietnam era term for desertion.  The firebases used to be surrounded by barbed wire - so if you wanted to leave your post you had to step over the wire to get out.

Thank you, next I would like to know what Mr, Cat thinks this brave soldier did for the next few years after leaving his post..

Posted from Rivals Mobile

It does not matter what I think. It only matters what the courts martial says. He could be facing life. That should make you hoist a beer. Congrats.
And you want to let the SOB go? Another total failure by Obama. What a pathetic individual and his whole regime.
You can keep talking about the Army and letting them handle this all you want. Big picture wise yet another screw up by our president. They had information about a lot of this before he was released yet the president and Susan Rice call him a hero. In addition to this, president acting on his own yet again, and exceeding his authority.

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