Berge released his top 5

No need to apologize, thanks for the link. He would be a great addition. Some of the young studs that have verballed will only help lure others like Berge. My main concern would obviously be his brother leaving the program. Not saying it's a deal breaker but I'm sure it doesn't help.
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No need to apologize, thanks for the link. He would be a great addition. Some of the young studs that have verballed will only help lure others like Berge. My main concern would obviously be his brother leaving the program. Not saying it's a deal breaker but I'm sure it doesn't help.
If his brother leaving the program was an issue, I don't think Iowa would be in his top 5.
Zip it Mitchell !!
I guess you come here for the tranquility. Your board is civil war, especially now that there are insinuations of those involved and the "snitch".

Does that make me a troll?
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