Bernie is going to run away with the Democrat nomination for president.

Remarkable how much people forget in 3+ years. You all act like Trump was a tried and true politician in 2105-16. In fact the only person who thought Trump could win was Coulter. Every SINGLE repub called him what he is. DO YOU remember that. What did Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan and Tend Cruz call Trump?

Now - Trump is suddenly unbeatable

Bloomberg is INFINITELY smarter and richer. If anyone can buy the election it’s Mike.

good night wingers.
Don’t know about the comb. I have heard she mistreated her staff.
The dems have moved so far left, Biden and Pocahontas are calling for reparations, open borders, banning the 2nd amendment...… in the hell is Bernie worse than them ? Bernie supports the 2nd amendment and isn't calling for reparations-he also says he is not for open borders. Bernie may be the moderate

Remarkable how much people forget in 3+ years. You all act like Trump was a tried and true politician in 2105-16. In fact the only person who thought Trump could win was Coulter. Every SINGLE repub called him what he is. DO YOU remember that. What did Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan and Tend Cruz call Trump?

Now - Trump is suddenly unbeatable

Bloomberg is INFINITELY smarter and richer. If anyone can buy the election it’s Mike.

good night wingers.
and an infinitely worse candidate. He cant relate to people and has authoritarian issues. Trump captured the middle class, Bloomberg would be despised by the middle class.
The dems have moved so far left, Biden and Pocahontas are calling for reparations, open borders, banning the 2nd amendment...… in the hell is Bernie worse than them ? Bernie supports the 2nd amendment and isn't calling for reparations-he also says he is not for open borders. Bernie may be the moderate

Bernie wants to nationalize major industries. His health plan will bankrupt us. He thinks he can negotiate peace. He will guarantee a job for every American. Have you ever run a company? Let the stupidity of that statement sink in. He is evil and I hope he dies soon.
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Remarkable how much people forget in 3+ years. You all act like Trump was a tried and true politician in 2105-16. In fact the only person who thought Trump could win was Coulter. Every SINGLE repub called him what he is. DO YOU remember that. What did Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan and Tend Cruz call Trump?

Now - Trump is suddenly unbeatable

Bloomberg is INFINITELY smarter and richer. If anyone can buy the election it’s Mike.

good night wingers.
Good night honey.

Sweet dreams,
Bernie wants to nationalize major industries. His health plan will bankrupt us. He thinks he can negotiate peace. He will guarantee a job for every American. Have you ever run a company? Let the stupidity of that statement sink in. He is evil and I hope he dies soon.
im not voting for Bernie but that's the only problem with him, if he went bat shit crazy on the domestic socialism, then yea , that's not acceptable.

The health care plan is no different than what Hillary will try, what Lizzy wants. I don't think Bernie has said he would Chavez/nationalize all industry, I cant imagine he would sday that.
Im watching ABC interview Mayor Cheat, what a phony fast talking charlatan. He sounds like a infomercial guy.

extremely shallow
Bernie is doing so well because he is authentic. He believes what he says and his followers believe in him. The rest just say stuff that people want to hear.

Bernie may not be electable, but I can respect that guy because he's authentic.
Lizzie just said she has town hall selfies, that her big thing.

and she takes unfiltered questions that are randomly drawn.

what a ditzy old bat
Bernie is authentic. He doesn't hide what he is and that resonates with people. He's mellowed out a bit with age and I don't think he's quite the socialist that some of his followers/supporters are
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The problem is none of the cast of characters is electable. Biden would have been solid, but unfortunately he seems to be failing significantly. He was the guy that could do it but not now. The rest are completely ridiculous as candidates.
I am reluctant to disagree, frankly.
Here's my concern: he's playing in a much bigger pond now. Both he and DJT suffer from New York-itis, which is an affliction whereby they really believe the song "if you can make it there you can make it anywhere" - Mike won't get gun control and he'll get enormous resistance on ramping taxes back up.
If I didn't worry about him stepping on personal liberties (and I do not own guns) I'd be okay with Bloomberg. Trump should be focusing on him.
Things are going to get real when Bernie wins more primaries.
Things are looking choreographed...Hilldawg showing up on Ellen, Carville having a panic attack...this debate tonight is truly sad. Liz is desperate, Joe needs a warm glass of milk and his slippers, and even Bernie is doing some pandering even though I don't think he needs to. More money for Planned Parenthood? They have plenty already.

Im not sure the Dems can let a billionaire buy the nomination. Hard to think they could look worse, but this would do it.
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Joe Biden with Martha Ratitz now

Hes only running because his grandkids asked him to

Trumpers loving Bernie just proves they don't have any core values other than hoping to see some entertainment value.
Is that worse than firing everyone or having quit everyone who has ever worked with you like Trump has?
not really related, Trump has made awful appointments though

Amy is a lightweight, the dem candidates are so bad, she maybe sucks the least for those who support her.
Trumpers loving Bernie just proves they don't have any core values other than hoping to see some entertainment value.
you fail to see both ran as populists and against the establishment. Both as candidates were also seen as the only ones who weren't FOS...…….that's the appeal-or mutual respect
Why is there a debate on a Friday night? Nobody is watching this and nobody cares. I just jumped into this thread because the hockey game is over and I was bored.

So, was America even listening to this debate? Other than the small percentage of people that give s crap about politics?
Why is there a debate on a Friday night? Nobody is watching this and nobody cares. I just jumped into this thread because the hockey game is over and I was bored.

So, was America even listening to this debate? Other than the small percentage of people that give s crap about politics?
nobody is watching, its probably a way to hide Bernie until Hills can run
The democrats are screwed if it’s Sandwrs or Pete.

sanders is a huge turnoff to main stream democrats.

Pete has a big issue with black voters.
And it’s going to be glorious.

What a contrast.
Anyone even remotely successful or financially stable would be crushed by a Socialist as POTUS. I can’t believe people can’t see this. The stock market would tank. Yes, that would kill middle class because a large percentage of America that is middle class, lower middle class, and upper middle class all invest heavily in it. The economy would be crushed. If the day ever comes where one is elected, I hope the fraction of society that voted for it, is smart enough to see its negative consequences.