Bernie Sanders in Iowa City

Screaming about income sharing as he hordes his millions of ill-gotten dollars.

He speaks on income inequality. Man, we have the dumbest trolls.

As for Bernie having money. He has published books, was a presidential candidate twice, and is one of the most well known men in America. His wealth is honestly meager compared to many of his colleagues. That's probably because he doesn't take PAC money to get corrupted by outside sources.
He speaks on income inequality. Man, we have the dumbest trolls.

As for Bernie having money. He has published books, was a presidential candidate twice, and is one of the most well known men in America. His wealth is honestly meager compared to many of his colleagues. That's probably because he doesn't take PAC money to get corrupted by outside sources.
His books are as worthless as Hunter Biden's paintings and just why doesn't he condemn Millionaires any more??
He speaks on income inequality. Man, we have the dumbest trolls.

As for Bernie having money. He has published books, was a presidential candidate twice, and is one of the most well known men in America. His wealth is honestly meager compared to many of his colleagues. That's probably because he doesn't take PAC money to get corrupted by outside sources.
He is strictly anti-capitalism. But…guess how he made all his money? Of course, he’s keeping it while telling everyone else it’s bad.
Bernie and AOC are out rallying the people. Meanwhile, Hakeem is making nice with Silicon Valley donors and waving a white flag, Schumer is making tik toks with focus group driven content and Kamala has signed with a Hollywood talent agency. Most other corporate democrats are in hiding,
Bernie and AOC are out rallying the people. Meanwhile, Hakeem is making nice with Silicon Valley donors and waving a white flag, Schumer is making tik toks with focus group driven content and Kamala has signed with a Hollywood talent agency. Most other corporate democrats are in hiding,

If Schumer starts Tik Tok dancing I think the tides will start to turn.
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Close, he's self described democratic socialist. Similar to Norway.

Basically capitalist, but pro-union, pro-single payer health care, etc. Things like that.
I wouldn’t say he’s anything close to a capitalist. If he is, he certainly isn’t telling his extreme socialist followers.
Typical Sanders-defending compelling argument.

You get the least of my effort because you don't know anything and aren't willing to learn anything.

You don't have to be full on rapacious late stage capitalism because you are afraid of the word socialism. The US has the healthiest middle class under the New Deal era with a combination of the two and at a good ratio. Now Canada ranks above is in that regard as do many other nations. The US is in decline, but not because of DEI, trans, or undocumented workers, those are to fire up John Q Public. It is on decline because of continued income inequality, and a power shift from your average American to the mega wealthy.
…and Sanders is one of the mega wealthy. But he’s not sharing. He just expects others to.

Bernie Sanders estimated net worth: 3,000,000
Elon Musk's estimated net worth:

Sanders net worth is .0000075% of Elon's

The average net worth of an American household is 192k making it 6% of Sanders net worth or .00000048% of Elon.
Iowa City. The last bastion of common sense in Ioway,