Better bring Joe back!

This "doctor" bullet points:

There was no deadly pandemic.
The "plandemic" was sustained solely by fraudulent PCR tests and the myth of asymptomatic transmission.
Excess mortality in early 2020 was caused by fear-mongering, leading to chronically elevated cortisol levels among the elderly.
Excess mortality since 2021 has been a result of gene therapies.

This is just as bad of a clown show. Who in their right mind could believe anything he posted above. Truly idiotic.
For every one of Kamala's slip ups there are at least 10 from Trump. MAGA has lost the right to bash her for any misspoken words. All I want from a President is someone who can give a speech and not sound like a complete moron. After 8 years of Trump and Biden that's all I'm looking for.
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