Better Business Bureau Says Trump's Lying About Trump U Ratings


HB Legend
Nov 11, 2002
Twin Cities MN
From the linked source:


This is pretty much contrary to what Trump and his troops have been saying - claiming the BBB faxed an accreditation notice to Megyn Kelly that Trump U had requested and upgrade and now has an A rating. Note especially #5 - because that's what Trump claimed in his answer during the debate.

More Trump con artist stuff.

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Does this surprise anyone? The man is a liar, something that is necessary for someone who makes as many wild and ridiculous claims as he does. Like saying he "doesn't settle", when he clearly has settled many lawsuits over the years, and would be crazy if he hadn't.

I know people like his "non-politic" speeches because he is speaking off the cuff, but the main reason politicians (and people in general) don't speak that way is because they will inevitably step in a pile of shit. They will say things that contradict past things they've said, they'll say things that are flat out false out of emotion/anger/pride/jealousy, and they will often say insulting things ... all reasons why it is good to be prepared, something that Donald rarely seems to be.

What I thought more telling in the debate about this topic was his defense, basically saying that the plaintiff was lying because they have a signed review from her saying Trump U was "great" and that they even have her on tape. What kind of school do you run that the people are required to sign reviews (in the presence of others) and then be taped saying it was great?