Biden administration warns of ‘damaging’ effects from GOP budget plans


HB King
May 29, 2001
Flight delays and slower Social Security checks. Cuts to financial aid for the poorest college students. And fewer dollars to help families obtain public housing and child care.
As Republicans forge ahead this week in their push to slash billions of dollars in federal spending, the Biden administration is warning Congress that a smaller budget could unleash devastating disruptions to government — underscoring how a political battle in Washington could spell real consequences for Americans nationally.

Since taking over the House, GOP lawmakers have looked to cleave roughly $130 billion from federal agencies and programs in the 2024 fiscal year. Pushing for austerity, Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) submitted new demands to President Biden this week, and party lawmakers convened a hearing Wednesday on the country’s fiscal health, aiming to highlight the government’s growing debt, currently at about $31 trillion.


So far, top Republicans have not coalesced around a final set of spending reductions, but they have made a broad commitment to slim down federal health care, science, education and labor programs while leaving defense untouched. In response, the Biden administration has tried to illustrate the stakes for voters’ daily lives.
If funds at the Department of Health and Human Services are cut, for example, it would have less money for its 988 suicide crisis hotline, potentially diminishing its ability to respond, the agency told lawmakers recently. At the Justice Department, officials warned about “significant furloughs” at the FBI and other key law enforcement agencies, including those that focus on intercepting fentanyl, a GOP priority.
Cuts at the Federal Aviation Administration, that agency said, might mean it struggles to retain air traffic controllers, potentially snarling travel. Biden pointed to the threat Monday, tweeting that the GOP approach would mean “passengers at some large airports would face wait times of two hours or more.” Even the federal government’s work to monitor extreme weather might face financial strain: The Commerce Department, which includes the National Weather Service, predicted its ability to issue “accurate weather forecasts” might be hindered with a smaller budget.

Agencies shared the estimates with a key congressional spending panel — the House Appropriations Committee — at the request of Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (Conn.), its top Democrat, who released the details last week. GOP aides largely dismissed the missives as a scare tactic, since Congress is unlikely to impose such blunt, across-the-board cuts.
Yet, DeLauro said, the problem is that the GOP had not yet offered a detailed plan, meaning Democrats have “nothing to go on.”
“I believe that most of my Republican colleagues have no idea of the depth and the level of the cuts we’re talking about,” she said. “More important than the cuts is the consequences in terms of children and families and seniors, national security and veterans.”

The uncertainty raises the stakes for a highly consequential political battle this summer, as Congress stares down two fast-approaching fiscal deadlines that carry vast implications for the U.S. economy.
This country wouldn’t need to give out food stamps or Medicaid if the Bernie Sanders and Nina Turner supporters would work. They add no value to society.
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Go ahead and present your spending plan. Biden has one. Republicans are refusing to govern. Or, are just too chickens**t.
The spending plan is you earned it you keep it.
You don’t deserve my money. Quit being jealous and bitter and go out and make something of yourself.
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Go ahead and present your spending plan. Biden has one. Republicans are refusing to govern. Or, are just too chickens**t.
We can start by cutting military spending by at least 25%.

Then we can roll back the rest of the non-entitlement budget (SS & Medicare) to 2019 levels.
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Your earth is going bankrupt. Your earth is driving inflation and killing retirement funds. Even Aldo shoppers like you are feeling the pain of food and energy prices.
LOL...the Earth isn't going bankrupt? The idea is idiotic. There's plenty of wealth, but people on your planet love concentrating it in the hands of a few. Hell, you celebrate it. You live in a weird place.
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LOL...the Earth isn't going bankrupt? The idea is idiotic. There's plenty of wealth, but people on your planet love concentrating it in the hands of a few. Hell, you celebrate it. You live in a weird place.
Wealth is concentrated in he hands of a few? Why don't you venture out of East Forsyth County and go to the Outer Banks, or Maryville, TN and check out the yachts. Do you know how many new millionaires are created each year? You could tax each billionaire 100% and it wouldn't be enough to cover the foolish government spending.

Oh... the money multiplier is more efficient in the private sector, unless you are Nancy Pelosi. There's a simple reason for that - the private sector is based on innovation and demand, and carries way less overhead than the government trying to pick winners and losers.
Flight delays and slower Social Security checks. Cuts to financial aid for the poorest college students. And fewer dollars to help families obtain public housing and child care.
As Republicans forge ahead this week in their push to slash billions of dollars in federal spending, the Biden administration is warning Congress that a smaller budget could unleash devastating disruptions to government — underscoring how a political battle in Washington could spell real consequences for Americans nationally.

Since taking over the House, GOP lawmakers have looked to cleave roughly $130 billion from federal agencies and programs in the 2024 fiscal year. Pushing for austerity, Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) submitted new demands to President Biden this week, and party lawmakers convened a hearing Wednesday on the country’s fiscal health, aiming to highlight the government’s growing debt, currently at about $31 trillion.


So far, top Republicans have not coalesced around a final set of spending reductions, but they have made a broad commitment to slim down federal health care, science, education and labor programs while leaving defense untouched. In response, the Biden administration has tried to illustrate the stakes for voters’ daily lives.
If funds at the Department of Health and Human Services are cut, for example, it would have less money for its 988 suicide crisis hotline, potentially diminishing its ability to respond, the agency told lawmakers recently. At the Justice Department, officials warned about “significant furloughs” at the FBI and other key law enforcement agencies, including those that focus on intercepting fentanyl, a GOP priority.
Cuts at the Federal Aviation Administration, that agency said, might mean it struggles to retain air traffic controllers, potentially snarling travel. Biden pointed to the threat Monday, tweeting that the GOP approach would mean “passengers at some large airports would face wait times of two hours or more.” Even the federal government’s work to monitor extreme weather might face financial strain: The Commerce Department, which includes the National Weather Service, predicted its ability to issue “accurate weather forecasts” might be hindered with a smaller budget.

Agencies shared the estimates with a key congressional spending panel — the House Appropriations Committee — at the request of Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (Conn.), its top Democrat, who released the details last week. GOP aides largely dismissed the missives as a scare tactic, since Congress is unlikely to impose such blunt, across-the-board cuts.
Yet, DeLauro said, the problem is that the GOP had not yet offered a detailed plan, meaning Democrats have “nothing to go on.”
“I believe that most of my Republican colleagues have no idea of the depth and the level of the cuts we’re talking about,” she said. “More important than the cuts is the consequences in terms of children and families and seniors, national security and veterans.”

The uncertainty raises the stakes for a highly consequential political battle this summer, as Congress stares down two fast-approaching fiscal deadlines that carry vast implications for the U.S. economy.
It will take decades maybe even longer to undue the damage Biden and his crappy Administration have done to the U.S.
We can start by cutting military spending by at least 25%.

Then we can roll back the rest of the non-entitlement budget (SS & Medicare) to 2019 levels.
Great. Now, you guys put that it in writing and run on it.
Sadly, the GOP will use these delays as "proof" of a bloated government bureaucracy and as evidence that their attack on "big government" has evidence to back it up. The truth of the matter is that a poorly organized and underfunded government cannot do its business efficiently. Unfortunately, the American public, easily distracted and constantly pissed that someone else is getting a deal, will believe this right-wing bullshit.
Terry Brandstad governed Iowa during his time in office using this same tactic....and a majority of Iowans swallowed it, hook, line and sinker. American's in general are as "smart" as Iowans...and in this case, that is not good. Republicans have had political success by restricting voters rights and underfunding (state) government programs while cutting back on state income taxes. Someday Americans will understand they phuqued themselves badly. That day is coming closer, every day.
Sadly, the GOP will use these delays as "proof" of a bloated government bureaucracy and as evidence that their attack on "big government" has evidence to back it up. The truth of the matter is that a poorly organized and underfunded government cannot do its business efficiently. Unfortunately, the American public, easily distracted and constantly pissed that someone else is getting a deal, will believe this right-wing bullshit.
Terry Brandstad governed Iowa during his time in office using this same tactic....and a majority of Iowans swallowed it, hook, line and sinker. American's in general are as "smart" as Iowans...and in this case, that is not good. Republicans have had political success by restricting voters rights and underfunding (state) government programs while cutting back on state income taxes. Someday Americans will understand they phuqued themselves badly. That day is coming closer, every day.
Republicans have had political success by restricting voters rights? Care to actually provide details?
Just another liberal deflection. Iowa never passed any legislation taking away someone’s right to “vote”.
They passed laws that restrict one’s right to vote...white politicians Rent stupid enough to be blatant about taking away ones right to vote....just give’m more hoops to jump through...make the paperwork a little more ambiguous...restrict those in charge of running elections from being able to run the elections for the best outcomes...
They passed laws that restrict one’s right to vote...white politicians Rent stupid enough to be blatant about taking away ones right to vote....just give’m more hoops to jump through...make the paperwork a little more ambiguous...restrict those in charge of running elections from being able to run the elections for the best outcomes...
Everyone I mean everyone who was eligible to vote before the legislation was passed was eligible after it was passed. You liberals see racism behind every blade of grass.

Nothing was passed that an intelligent functioning individual couldn't have complied with.

Nobody lost the right to vote.
God people are stupid. Biden is a politician. This is a negotiation.

Its like some of you woke up yesterday.