Biden praises U.S. economy’s strength as he insists, he’s staying in race. He also refers to Kamala Harris as ‘Vice President Trump.’


HB All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
Sorry Liberal Cult Members but Joe is staying in the race!!!!!

In a much-anticipated press conference Thursday, President Joe Biden touted the U.S. economy’s performance and indicated he was staying in the White House race, but he also made a flub when he was asked about whether Vice President Kamala Harris could beat presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump if she were at the top of the Democratic ticket.

Biden said he “wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president” if he had thought she was not qualified to be president.

Alerted via the press conference’s final question that he had called Harris by Trump’s name about an hour earlier, and that Trump had immediately seized on the mix-up as proof of Biden’s unfitness, Biden responded: “Listen to him.”

During the back-and-forth with reporters, which occurred as NATO’s summit in Washington wrapped up, Biden was asked about whether his decline due to age was damaging for America’s standing in the world.

“Have you seen a more successful conference?” the president asked, referring to the U.S.-hosted NATO summit. He said that, from his perspective, it had been one of the most successful conferences ever conducted.

On the U.S. economy, Biden described an inflation report earlier in the day as “great,” adding that core inflation is at a three-year low. He said his administration will “keep working to take down corporate greed to bring those prices down further,” while Trump is proposing a 10% across-the-board tariff that would amount to a “tax of $2,500 a year” for the average worker.

Ahead of the press conference, Biden and allies were hoping for a good performance that would dispel some concerns about the 81-year-old incumbent’s re-election campaign.

The president had made one widely reported gaffe shortly before Thursday’s press conference, as he introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin,” then returned to the podium and corrected himself. (Zelensky laughed it off, saying, “I’m better,” to which Biden agreed.)

Biden has been facing calls to exit the White House race after his poor performance two weeks ago in a debate against Trump, who is 78.

A small group of longtime aides and advisers has been trying to come up with ways to persuade Biden to step aside, according to a New York Times report on Thursday, citing unnamed sources.

On Wednesday, Vermont’s Peter Welch became the first Senate Democrat to call for Biden’s exit, and House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi distanced herself from Biden. In addition, celebrity campaign donor George Clooney said the president should not be running, and an Axios report citing unnamed sources said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has privately signaled he’s open to replacing Biden even as he repeatedly says publicly that he’s “for Joe.”

One betting market, PredictIt, was giving Harris a better chance of becoming the 2024 Democratic nominee than Biden, after showing the president with an advantage at the start of this week. She was at 47 cents on the dollar on Thursday evening, while he was at 42 cents.
Two-thirds of Americans believe Biden should end his campaign based on his performance in the first presidential debate, while half feel that way about Trump, according to an ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll released Thursday.

Biden has repeatedly said he won’t bow out, writing in a letter to Democratic lawmakers on Monday that he’s “firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end and to beating Donald Trump.” Pelosi, however, spoke on Wednesday as if Biden hadn’t yet made a decision on whether to remain in the race, saying Biden should “make that decision, because time is running short.”

Trump appears to be holding off on announcing a running mate in order to keep the spotlight on Biden, as he and his fellow Republicans prepare for their convention next week in Milwaukee. The former president’s lead in a RealClearPolitics average of national polls has grown to 3 points from 1.5 points on the day before the debate, and Trump’s edge in an RCP average of polls for swing states is up to 4 points from 3.2 points two weeks ago.

Trump, in a post on his own social-media platform DJT, mocked Biden’s “Vice President Trump” flub by saying: “Great job, Joe!” Biden’s response when apprised of that remark — “Listen to him” — was viewed as a reference to how Trump, too, has committed verbal slip-ups.

Biden is due to take part in an interview on Monday with NBC News anchor Lester Holt, as part of his ongoing damage-control effort in the wake of the debate.