Biden to announce plan to cap rent at 5% nationwide and strip all tax benefits from landlords who don’t comply

The timing of this info release is most assuredly strategically designed to counter the Rep convention "bounce" starting today.

This is the policy genius of the Biden admin at work. That he is too old for the job is just one, albeit a big one, of their problems.

Any chance that Joe could explain the rationale for this without a teleprompter and without mangling his words? I know better than to ask that he be energetic or compelling as he sells this to the public.
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Biden's people learned nothing from Nixon's attempt at wage and price control. We also have a modern day example of rent control in NYC.

Government control of prices in a capitalistic market NEVER works.
It's just a blatant attempt to buy votes. An empty promise that he can't possibly keep. Unfortunately this country is filled with idiots who will fall for it hook, line and sinker. And then they will wonder why there will be no further mention of this "promise" if Biden wins.
Biden's people learned nothing from Nixon's attempt at wage and price control. We also have a modern day example of rent control in NYC.

Government control of prices in a capitalistic market NEVER works.

Yep, if the government wants to bring down rents they need to address the actual problem; lack of supply.
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Yep, if the government wants to bring down rents they need to address the actual problem; lack of supply.
They have no intention of fixing the problem.

They say things like this, even though they have no intention of trying to keep the promise, because they know there is no counter argument. If you oppose it, then they can point out that you want to line the pockets of the rich and screw over the poor.

It's a no win situation.
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Yep, if the government wants to bring down rents they need to address the actual problem; lack of supply.
Yes, but we can peel back the onion another layer or two, and come up with inflation and interest rates as contributing factors to lack of supply. We can also include 6M - 10M illegal aliens entering in the last 4 years.
Yes, but we can peel back the onion another layer or two, and come up with inflation and interest rates as contributing factors to lack of supply. We can also include 6M - 10M illegal aliens entering in the last 4 years.
Wait....are you telling me ILLEGALS need a place to live?? Next you'll be telling us they need food and healthcare!
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