My niece is starting school selection process for applying next year. helping her out I looked at the tuition at each of the Big Ten schools both in and out of state. Was surprised to see the significant difference which raised a question. Does anyone on HR have factual insight into :
1) what causes Iowa to have the lowest tuition for instate and 3rd lowest out of state (behind Minn and Neb)? Must be doing some good budget management.
2) Why is ISU in state tuition ($14,0618) 68% higher than Iowa's ($8,325)?
3) A major contributing factor may be the reported difference in state funding for the schools budgets. this is reported as 31% for Iowa but only 19% for ISU. If true what prompts this difference?
At first glance this seems to place ISU at a disadvantage vs Iowa when offering an in state Iowa wrestler a partial scholarship compared to Iowa. Strangely ISU out of state tuition is $3,000 year lower than Iowa's so ISU would have a recruiting financial edge when offering partial scholarships to out of state wrestlers.
Not trolling just an inquiring mind. By the way I found the below linked summary by Wisconsin of interest in my review which Ided Penn State as the highest cost tuition for in state students of the public schools in the BIG. PSU's budget funding by the State is similar to ISU's at 18%. Atempting to confirm if the reported 31% funding of U of Iowa's budget by state taxpayers is accurate.
1) what causes Iowa to have the lowest tuition for instate and 3rd lowest out of state (behind Minn and Neb)? Must be doing some good budget management.
2) Why is ISU in state tuition ($14,0618) 68% higher than Iowa's ($8,325)?
3) A major contributing factor may be the reported difference in state funding for the schools budgets. this is reported as 31% for Iowa but only 19% for ISU. If true what prompts this difference?
At first glance this seems to place ISU at a disadvantage vs Iowa when offering an in state Iowa wrestler a partial scholarship compared to Iowa. Strangely ISU out of state tuition is $3,000 year lower than Iowa's so ISU would have a recruiting financial edge when offering partial scholarships to out of state wrestlers.
Not trolling just an inquiring mind. By the way I found the below linked summary by Wisconsin of interest in my review which Ided Penn State as the highest cost tuition for in state students of the public schools in the BIG. PSU's budget funding by the State is similar to ISU's at 18%. Atempting to confirm if the reported 31% funding of U of Iowa's budget by state taxpayers is accurate.