Biggest sporting event/concert regret you have.....


HB King
Gold Member
That is, an opportunity to go and see a game/event/show that you ultimately didn't do, and now regret.

I had a chance to go to The Master's with a business client of my wife's company - on their dime, staying at a nice house within 3 miles of the course - in 2012, but declined because I'd taken so much time off from work already that year. Now wondering if I'll ever get the chance.

Honorable mention- had an invite from a friend who lives near Happy Valley to go to the Iowa-PSU game in 2009. I figured Iowa was probably going to lose, so despite the fact this guy has insanely great seats, I turned him down. That was the "fumble-and-scoop-and-score" by Adrian Clayborn game that Iowa ultimately won 21-10 over 5th ranked PSU. I've never been to a game at Beaver Stadium. That would have rocked. :cool:
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I went to Elvis's final concert (in Indianapolis). I regret that I went, because he was horrible, forgetting words, sweating, and so heavy that his pants were about 3" too short. Definitely not the performer I'd seen years earlier.

However, what I regret even more is that I threw away the tickets and program. Probably would have made money on the whole thing had I kept them, but as it is all I'm left with is the memory of how horrible he was that night.
October 21st, 1975. Game 6 of the World Series. Biggest game in Red Sox history. My friends and I had slept out on the sidewalk all night to get tickets. Day of the game. I was sittin' in a bar, waitin' for the game to start, and in walks this girl. Oh, it was an amazing game, though. You know, bottom of the eighth, Carbo ties it up at 6-6. It went to twelve. Bottom of the twelfth, in stepped Carlton Fisk. Old Pudge. Steps up to the plate, you know, and he's got that weird stance. And BAM! He clocks it. High fly ball down the left field line! Thirty-five thousand people, on their feet, yellin' at the ball, but that's not because of Fisk. He's wavin' at the ball like a madman. He's going, "Get over! Get over! Get OVER!" And then it HITS the foul pole. OH, he goes apeshit, and 35,000 fans, you know, they charge the field, you know? Goin', "God! Get out of the way! Get 'em away!" Banging people...I didn't rush the ****in' field; I wasn't there. I was in a bar havin' a drink with my future wife. You shoulda seen her; she was a stunner.
Not attending-
2002 Iowa/MN game.
R.E.M and Violent Femmes in Iowa City, late 80's.
Harlem Globetrotters in Madison, WI., mid 70's. Parents made me attend Grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary.
2009 IA-PSU game for me as well. I committed to drinking, golfing, and watching the game with friends before turning down the invitation to Happy Valley. I also turned down free tickets to DMB at Principal Park that same weekend.
Regret that I went....last year's Iowa vs MN football game. Family put up with ridiculous MN fans before the game. Complete embarrassment with how the team played.

Regret that I didn't go, a Michael Jordan led Bulls playoff game. He retired the next year and I never got to see him play live.
Grateful Dead's last show with Jerry. Soldier Field 1995. Went to Saturday show and couldn't get a ticket for Sunday. Instead I partied in the lot with friends.
As a child, my earliest recurring dream was to play at Ebbets Field with Jackie Robinson and the Brooklyn Dodgers. Of course, it never happened, and the Dodgers left Brooklyn, and they torn down Ebbets Field. But even now, I still dream that dream.
I was invited to Super Bowl XIX at Stanford Stadium in 1985 but declined solely on the fact the guy who invited me was a loud and obnoxious prick, albeit with lots of money and connections. It was set up for 4 of us to fly to Las Vegas on Friday, spend a couple of nights and fly into the Bay area on Sunday morning to attend the game, all expenses paid but I turned it down. Montana & the 49er's beat the Dolphins 38-16. I should have gone, stayed drunk for the duration and put up with the a-hole:)
Could have gone to the 85 game against Michigan with my dad, who split season tickets with a friend of his. I saw Iowa beat them 26-0 the year before and looked at my dad and said "Michigan sucks." I picked the Iowa-Northern Illinois game instead. I was ten at the time....:(
Stevie Ray Vaughan's final concert at Alpine Valley. I had recently moved to northwest suburban Chicago and was going to go to the concert with a friend, but he had to work unexpectedly and couldn't make it. I couldn't find anyone to go on short notice and decided not to go by myself. The next morning I turned on the radio and heard about the helicopter crash and immediately wished I had gone.
In the early summer of 1994, a friend of mine asked me if I wanted his extra ticket to see The Scorpions in Ames with he and some other buddies. Incredulously I replied, "F--- The Scorpions, man. They blow worse than your Mom". And then I went back to drinking MD 20/20 and playing Tecmo Super Bowl.

Ended up the tickets he had were actually to Pink Floyd's Division Bell tour performed at Jack Trice, which is absolutely nothing at all like The Scorpions. I guess I should have asked for more details.
2008 Penn St game. I had tickets but it was the day after I got snipped. Everyone told me to stay home and relax as it was best to do nothing and put peas on my nads. That recovery is a breeze and it would have been nothing to go to that game. Missed an all-time great in Kinnick

The Dead's last weekend in Chicago 1995. My dad bought tickets for me to see the Everly Brothers at the Civic center instead. I was not happy about agreeing to go, but didn't have much of a choice as he bought the tickets without asking me and he was footing the bill for college, so I didn't want to complain. Jerry died 6 weeks later. At least I was at the 2 St Louis shows the days before Chicago.
2008 Penn St game. I had tickets but it was the day after I got snipped. Everyone told me to stay home and relax as it was best to do nothing and put peas on my nads. That recovery is a breeze and it would have been nothing to go to that game. Missed an all-time great in Kinnick

The Dead's last weekend in Chicago 1995. My dad bought tickets for me to see the Everly Brothers at the Civic center instead. I was not happy about agreeing to go, but didn't have much of a choice as he bought the tickets without asking me and he was footing the bill for college, so I didn't want to complain. Jerry died 6 weeks later. At least I was at the 2 St Louis shows the days before Chicago.
You ever make it out to Red Rocks for Panic shows?
That is, an opportunity to go and see a game/event/show that you ultimately didn't do, and now regret.

I had a chance to go to The Master's with a business client of my wife's company - on their dime, staying at a nice house within 3 miles of the course - in 2012, but declined because I'd taken so much time off from work already that year. Now wondering if I'll ever get the chance.

Honorable mention- had an invite from a friend who lives near Happy Valley to go to the Iowa-PSU game in 2009. I figured Iowa was probably going to lose, so despite the fact this guy has insanely great seats, I turned him down. That was the "fumble-and-scoop-and-score" by Adrian Clayborn game that Iowa ultimately won 21-10 over 5th ranked PSU. I've never been to a game at Beaver Stadium. That would have rocked. :cool:
Went to an Ozzie Osbourne/Metallica concert back in 86....Metallica was the opening act and it was their "Master of Puppets" tour.....anyway, watched Metallica, got totally wasted on 151 and pissed on a concession stand. Got tossed out before Ozzie took the stage....had to listen to it in the parking lot. :(
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Could have gone to the 85 game against Michigan with my dad, who split season tickets with a friend of his. I saw Iowa beat them 26-0 the year before and looked at my dad and said "Michigan sucks." I picked the Iowa-Northern Illinois game instead. I was ten at the time....:(

You ever make it out to Red Rocks for Panic shows?

Went from 98-02, but haven't been since. I'm trying to go this year, but won't make the haul without tickets in hand. If you know of any I would love to take them off your hands. They sounded great in CR this last year. Always fun to see Panic a block from the office
Went from 98-02, but haven't been since. I'm trying to go this year, but won't make the haul without tickets in hand. If you know of any I would love to take them off your hands. They sounded great in CR this last year. Always fun to see Panic a block from the office
Yeah I never get tix ahead of time. I got a bunch of buddies that go and an extra seems to float my way every year. Such a blast. Best venue. Best party. One of the best bands. I am not a die hard but am becoming one.
Had two tickets to Super Bowl XXX. The Mayor on the Friday before the game said David Spade needed a ticket and asked (not really a request) if I would sell one of my tickets back to the City. I was going to go with my good buddy and decided that since I didn't like either Dallas or Pittsburgh, I sold my other ticket to the Deputy City Manager. He tells me Monday morning what a great time he had and that besides sitting next to Spade he also sat next to John Lithgow who he said was a great guy. I still hate Spade to this day.
Woodstock 1994. All of my friends road tripped from Iowa but I had just started a new job so I skipped. Would have loved to have seen Blind Melon.
2009 Northwestern game. First Iowa home game I missed since 2005. Went to every home game while I was at Iowa and had been to every home game that year before the NW game, but decided to ref basketball instead.......stupid Northwestern try-hards.
Woodstock 1994. All of my friends road tripped from Iowa but I had just started a new job so I skipped. Would have loved to have seen Blind Melon.
That version of Soup was simply awesome. Primus looks like they had the crowd in a frenzy to say the least.
None that I can think of. Been to the Masters numerous times, Kentucky Derby numerous times. Was at Minnesota in 02, was at Michigan in 02 ,went to every Iowa football game in 09, home and away. Was in Chapel Hill this year for the Iowa hoops win. If Iowa ever gets to a final four, Rose Bowl again or national championship I'll be there too. Life's too short, when opportunity presents itself, go for it.
That is, an opportunity to go and see a game/event/show that you ultimately didn't do, and now regret.

I had a chance to go to The Master's with a business client of my wife's company - on their dime, staying at a nice house within 3 miles of the course - in 2012, but declined because I'd taken so much time off from work already that year. Now wondering if I'll ever get the chance.

Honorable mention- had an invite from a friend who lives near Happy Valley to go to the Iowa-PSU game in 2009. I figured Iowa was probably going to lose, so despite the fact this guy has insanely great seats, I turned him down. That was the "fumble-and-scoop-and-score" by Adrian Clayborn game that Iowa ultimately won 21-10 over 5th ranked PSU. I've never been to a game at Beaver Stadium. That would have rocked. :cool:
Had tickets to the Beatles concert in Minneapolis in '65. Went on a fishing trip with a couple of buddies instead. My mother and my 11-year-old sister used the tickets.
85 Iowa v Michigan. I was 12, my dad was going but didn't have a ticket for me. At about 6 am, he wakes me up telling me they had a ticket. In my sleeping faze, I said no. About 10 minutes later, I had realized what I had did.
85 Iowa v Michigan. I was 12, my dad was going but didn't have a ticket for me. At about 6 am, he wakes me up telling me they had a ticket. In my sleeping faze, I said no. About 10 minutes later, I had realized what I had did.
"what I had did"????
So you slept through more than a football game, I'd say ;)
Game 6 of the 2011 World Series. Had a chance to buy tickets for cheap and passed it up. Maybe one of the best games in World Series history.
Regret that I went....last year's Iowa vs MN football game. Family put up with ridiculous MN fans before the game. Complete embarrassment with how the team played.

Regret that I didn't go, a Michael Jordan led Bulls playoff game. He retired the next year and I never got to see him play live.

Completely agree with seeing a Jordan playoff game. I lived in northern Illinois from 91-93 and never saw him play live.

Honorable mentions:
1. Orange Bowl vs. USC...for the opening kickoff alone.
2. @Michigan, 2002
3. vs Wisky, 2004

(#2 and #3 are somewhat excused, as we had a child in each of the weeks proceeding those games.)
A buddy and I talked about going to Woodstock in 1969 but we didn't get serious about it and it never materialized.

I could have seen The Rolling Stones in concert at the Detroit Masonic Temple in 1978. They announced that tickets were on sale at The Masonic Temple box office on my way to work but I went to work instead. At that time I worked about a mile from the there.

I could have gone to the 1998 Rose Bowl.

Now I wish I would have done all three.
Had to miss The Replacements at the Col Ballroom on their Pleased To Meet Me tour in 1987..Seems I had to attend a wedding rehearsal that night.
Strangely enough I don't want to see them this time around.

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