bizarre "Blue Bloods" and " NCIS New Orleans" episodes

ottumwan in tx

HB King
Oct 26, 2002
OK, so NCIS brings back the age-old "militia, redneck repubber separatist right wing groups, are out to get you ala randy weaver", narrative, then blue bloods brings back the old, "muslims are bombing NYC" narrative, for 9-11, then blue bloods amazingly covers for them in the episode and does not tell the feds and they squelch the info getting out about the plot, to the public, to show I guess they are all human or something. huh? bizarre stuff. what kind of narratives are Hollywood and the jackwagons on tv dreaming up now?
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so which is it? are the separatist skinhead repubbers out to get me -or is it the muslims? I demand that my TV gets it straight. Maybe they are both out to get me. I'm screwed.
so which is it? are the separatist skinhead repubbers out to get me -or is it the muslims?


blue bloods is usually decent plus I like the chicks on there, ncis new Orleans has the worst fake accents ever, but the main character chick is an Iowan on there supposedly
Not really anything bizarre with it. Both things are hot topics right now and these shows write to get ratings. You can basically see what's trending on twitter and tell what these types of shows next plot will be.
Not really anything bizarre with it. Both things are hot topics right now and these shows write to get ratings. You can basically see what's trending on twitter and tell what these types of shows next plot will be.
hot topics right now? 9-11 was darn near back in the 1990's, it was soooo long ago, and randy weaver was in the 80's almost, being 1992???
Red neck right wingers and Muslims bombing things aren't hot topics right now?
no, both of those events, were false flags, set up by this current admin. if you are talking about the shooting with the supposed redneck dude who was cia in south Carolina, and the supposed muslim dudes who were also cia, who bought guns from fast and furious, in dallas. what should be a hot topic right now is what will the current admin do to take our guns this time? is it time for a fake shooting at a school?
the hot topics right now are trump and Hillary, thus hiding the economic collapse worldwide and the tyranny
I was just in New Orleans and I can say without reservation that it's the fried food that is out to get you.

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