Blindspot - New TV Show Tonight

Nov 28, 2010
Sounds good enough to check out. Jamie Alexander is pretty hot.

And it mentions a naked woman with amnesia. I say we round up Bill Cosby for questioning.

Episode: Pilot
S01, E01

FBI Agent Kurt Weller and his team investigate when a naked woman with amnesia is found in New York's Times Square covered in an intricate map of tattoos -- including Weller's name.
I watch NBC a lot and havent heard if this show. They must not be running many commercials for it.
I watch NBC a lot and havent heard if this show. They must not be running many commercials for it.

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I like it but already so many holes. The first thing the the FBI would have done is bring in someone would could tell them who had the ability to lay that ink.
Is this a procedural?
I think yes and no. Her body is covered in tattoos. Each tattoo has to do with something different or a different case, I think. Each episode they will be working on something different, but the main arch of the show is who is Jane and who did this to her. Already a character has been introduced who trained her and is taking a major role behind the scenes...watching and intervening/manipulating.
I just don't want to see her in a lot of hand to hand combat with 300 lb guys. Ask me to buy she was some kind of ex special forces, and I will force my self to buy it. At 105 lbs, could she hold her own against a few smaller street thugs, likely. Is she going to take down any guys twice her size, no.
Liked it. Better than Minority Report.
I agree. I'll give both another try or 2, but Blindspot, despite seeming something of a mishmash of other shows and themes, hung together somewhat better.

Minority Report was hurt by basically having no immediately likable characters. Most new shows will try to forge a bit of a sympathetic link between the audience and a couple of main characters out of the gate. MR failed with that, Blindspot made a good start.
I agree. I'll give both another try or 2, but Blindspot, despite seeming something of a mishmash of other shows and themes, hung together somewhat better.

Minority Report was hurt by basically having no immediately likable characters. Most new shows will try to forge a bit of a sympathetic link between the audience and a couple of main characters out of the gate. MR failed with that, Blindspot made a good start.
For me the objection to MR was different as I liked the cop and the good pre-cog well enough. My main objections were first, the show went a little camp when the movie was harder and fit the tone better IMO. Second, I recalled the free pre-cogs in the movie as nearly special needs in their idiot savant Ben Carson ways. Now they seem way too well adjusted and integrated, especially the hunky hedge fund guy who wouldn't need to read my mind to know what I was thinking.

Did you notice they changed the name of the Washington Redskins to the Redclouds?
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Sounds good enough to check out. Jamie Alexander is pretty hot.

And it mentions a naked woman with amnesia. I say we round up Bill Cosby for questioning.

Episode: Pilot
S01, E01

FBI Agent Kurt Weller and his team investigate when a naked woman with amnesia is found in New York's Times Square covered in an intricate map of tattoos -- including Weller's name.
I liked it