Bomb Bomb Bomb. Bomb Bomb Iran Part II.


HR King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert can't wait any longer: 'It's time to bomb Iran'
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) pushed some wild conspiracy theories Wednesday to argue that the U.S. must attack Iran to destroy its nuclear program.
"We need to make clear to Iran: You can play these silly games with our president that buys into them and our secretary of state, but the American people aren't buying it and you're going to pay a price," Gohmert said.
He made the claims on the "Washington Watch" radio program hosted by Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, reported Right Wing Watch.
"I'm hoping and praying the president will realize, despite the agenda he has that has put Christians in jeopardy around the world, that he will not want to leave the Democratic Party so devastated that they won't recover for many decades," Gohmert said.
He said the president was "slapping (Israel) around as an unwelcomed visitor," but he remained hopeful Obama would treat Israel as a friend.
"Maybe once he starts doing that he'll realize we do need to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities that we know of and anything that they move to fix, we bomb that as well," Gohmert said.
Gohmert pushed falsely claimed the president had told Nigeria the U.S. would not aid in the fight against Boko Haram until the country legalized same-sex marriage.
"Because we've elected Obama as our leader, our nation bears responsibility for the things he's doing," he said.
The Republican lawmaker said it was too late to negotiate with Iran on its nuclear program.
"We need to encourage this administration to go take out Iran's nuclear capability," Gohmert said.
"I think it's time to bomb Iran - anything that resembles a nuclear facility with centrifuges," he added. "It's time to bomb."

Bomb bomb bomb. Bomb bomb Iran