Border Czar - A left wing attempt to rewrite history

I asked twice yesterday without a response. But I’ll try again:

Link to a video or Biden Admin document where Harris was named Border Czar.
So, if that exact wording was never used, then it didn't happen? Please tell me this isn't the stance.

Kamala Harris was appointed as the point person for addressing the border crisis by President Joe Biden in March 2021. Here are some exact quotes:

  1. March 24, 2021:
    • President Biden: “I’ve asked the Vice President to lead our diplomatic efforts and our efforts to address the root causes of migration from Central America.”
  2. March 31, 2021:
    • President Biden: “I have asked the Vice President to lead this effort to build a coalition of countries to address the root causes of migration from Central America.”
  3. April 8, 2021:
    • President Biden: “The Vice President is going to lead this effort in terms of addressing the root causes of migration from Central America.”
  4. June 8, 2021:
    • President Biden: “The Vice President’s focus will be on diplomacy and working with countries in the region to address the issues driving people to leave their homes and come to the U.S.”
  5. July 19, 2021:
    • President Biden: “Kamala Harris is in charge of managing the diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of migration. She’s working with leaders in the region to address the economic and social issues that lead to migration.”
I sure hope your hang-up isn't just with the phrase "border czar," while the term was never an official title, it's implications were steeped in fact.

So, if that exact wording was never used, then it didn't happen? Please tell me this isn't the stance.

Kamala Harris was appointed as the point person for addressing the border crisis by President Joe Biden in March 2021. Here are some exact quotes:

  1. March 24, 2021:
    • President Biden: “I’ve asked the Vice President to lead our diplomatic efforts and our efforts to address the root causes of migration from Central America.”
  2. March 31, 2021:
    • President Biden: “I have asked the Vice President to lead this effort to build a coalition of countries to address the root causes of migration from Central America.”
  3. April 8, 2021:
    • President Biden: “The Vice President is going to lead this effort in terms of addressing the root causes of migration from Central America.”
  4. June 8, 2021:
    • President Biden: “The Vice President’s focus will be on diplomacy and working with countries in the region to address the issues driving people to leave their homes and come to the U.S.”
  5. July 19, 2021:
    • President Biden: “Kamala Harris is in charge of managing the diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of migration. She’s working with leaders in the region to address the economic and social issues that lead to migration.”
I sure hope your hang-up isn't just with the phrase "border czar," while the term was never an official title, it's implications were steeped in fact.

My beef is the language. Language has meaning. A good chunk of posts on this board are candidate A said __ and the response is no, they said __. Like yesterday for a simple example: college v. colored.

The GOP wants to use the nice title “Border Czar” because it’s TV and voter friendly. But it’s not accurate.

Words have meaning. It’s what I do day in and day out (I should have been a fireman).
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The left wing media anointed it her as such, referring to it over and over. Her duties as outlined by Biden fully supported the title.
You're half-right. It was, in fact, the media, but it was conservative outlets not liberal.

The term "border czar" was first popularized by conservative media outlets and commentators rather than a specific news organization. While it is difficult to pinpoint the exact first use, the term gained traction through its use by conservative figures and publications, including Fox News and various right-leaning commentators, around March 2021. The term was used to describe Kamala Harris’s role in addressing migration issues, though it was not an official title and was employed more to critique her handling of the situation.

Regardless, the fact we're arguing the exact vernacular is beyond stupid. She was given a job by the President. Period.
My beef is the language. Language has meaning. A good chunk of posts on this board are candidate A said __ and the response is no, they said __. Like yesterday for a simple example: college v. colored.

The GOP wants to use the nice title “Border Czar” because it’s TV and voter friendly. But it’s not accurate.

Words have meaning. It’s what I do day in and day out (I should have been a fireman).
That's fine. Maybe don't engage with the resident morons. The simple point should be her role followed by an assessment of her performance in said role. That should be the goal for any candidate regardless of jersey. How did the person perform.
My beef is the language. Language has meaning. A good chunk of posts on this board are candidate A said __ and the response is no, they said __. Like yesterday for a simple example: college v. colored.

The GOP wants to use the nice title “Border Czar” because it’s TV and voter friendly. But it’s not accurate.

Words have meaning. It’s what I do day in and day out (I should have been a fireman).
I thought since he was a carry over from the Obama admin (who used “czar” for everything) it’s just a short way of saying “person in charge of”.

POLITICO has compiled a wide-ranging list of President Barack Obama’s various “czars.” The bolded names were confirmed by Congress, and the italicized names are statutorily created positions created by Congress in legislation.

Afghanistan Czar - Richard Holbrooke

AIDS Czar - Jeffrey Crowley
Auto Recovery czar - Ed Montgomery
Border Czar - Alan Bersin
Car Czar - Ron Bloom
Central Region Czar - Dennis Ross
Domestic Violence Czar - Lynn Rosenthal
Drug Czar - Gil Kerlikowske

Economic Czar - Paul Volcker
Energy and Environment Czar - Carol Browner
Faith-Based Czar - Joshua DuBois
Great Lakes Czar - Cameron Davis
Green Jobs Czar - Van Jones (resigned on Sept. 6)
Guantanamo Closure Czar - Daniel Fried
Health Czar - Nancy-Ann DeParle
Information Czar - Vivek Kundra
International Climate Czar - Todd Stern
Mideast Peace Czar - George Mitchell
Pay Czar - Kenneth Feinberg
Regulatory Czar - Cass Sunstein *
Science Czar - John Holdren
Stimulus Accountability Czar - Earl Devaney - statutory position
Sudan Czar - J. Scott Gration
TARP Czar - Herb Allison
Terrorism Czar - John Brennan
Technology Czar- Aneesh Chopra
Urban Affairs Czar - Adolfo Carrion Jr.
Weapons Czar - Ashton Carter
WMD Policy Czar - Gary Samore
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That's fine. Maybe don't engage with the resident morons. The simple point should be her role followed by an assessment of her performance in said role. That should be the goal for any candidate regardless of jersey. How did the person perform.
The idiots are arguing over semantics on her official job title over what her job was at the border haha. It’s soooooo dumb lol.

The questions should be, how has she done as the lead person in the border which the President tasked her with? Then argue the results instead of a ****ing title that has nothing to do with her results
You're half-right. It was, in fact, the media, but it was conservative outlets not liberal.

The term "border czar" was first popularized by conservative media outlets and commentators rather than a specific news organization. While it is difficult to pinpoint the exact first use, the term gained traction through its use by conservative figures and publications, including Fox News and various right-leaning commentators, around March 2021. The term was used to describe Kamala Harris’s role in addressing migration issues, though it was not an official title and was employed more to critique her handling of the situation.

Regardless, the fact we're arguing the exact vernacular is beyond stupid. She was given a job by the President. Period.

All those video clips are from "conservative media outlets"?
So, if that exact wording was never used, then it didn't happen? Please tell me this isn't the stance.

Kamala Harris was appointed as the point person for addressing the border crisis by President Joe Biden in March 2021. Here are some exact quotes:

  1. March 24, 2021:
    • President Biden: “I’ve asked the Vice President to lead our diplomatic efforts and our efforts to address the root causes of migration from Central America.”
  2. March 31, 2021:
    • President Biden: “I have asked the Vice President to lead this effort to build a coalition of countries to address the root causes of migration from Central America.”
  3. April 8, 2021:
    • President Biden: “The Vice President is going to lead this effort in terms of addressing the root causes of migration from Central America.”
  4. June 8, 2021:
    • President Biden: “The Vice President’s focus will be on diplomacy and working with countries in the region to address the issues driving people to leave their homes and come to the U.S.”
  5. July 19, 2021:
    • President Biden: “Kamala Harris is in charge of managing the diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of migration. She’s working with leaders in the region to address the economic and social issues that lead to migration.”
I sure hope your hang-up isn't just with the phrase "border czar," while the term was never an official title, it's implications were steeped in fact.

thanks for posting. Those bits will never accompany the claims that “she was never appointed border czar.”
So after 3 years, shouldn't she have a report out by now detailing the results of her investigation? I've probably just missed her speeches where she updated everyone about what she learned.

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