Braindead comes out in favor of constitutional amendment banning SSM

Teflon has been this way, forever. He's an idiot......although, Iowgian voters love his right-winged arse. Another example....his patterning Iowa's MedicAide program after the plan Kansas has......broke Kansas, whose MedicAide system is in shambles, according to an editorial in today's KC Star.
Teflon LOVES government pork to private industry even at the expense those who the program is designed to assist.
so, call names, that is good. you did not want people to use names to describe ghey people, but it's fine to do- if somebody disagrees with you
Teflon has been this way, forever. He's an idiot......although, Iowgian voters love his right-winged arse. Another example....his patterning Iowa's MedicAide program after the plan Kansas has......broke Kansas, whose MedicAide system is in shambles, according to an editorial in today's KC Star.
Teflon LOVES government pork to private industry even at the expense those who the program is designed to assist.

You think Terry has been bad for this state?
I honestly believe that Iowa has progressed in spite of what Terry B. and the Farm Bureau believe is best for Iowa. Branstad believes older Iowans are moving from the state because it taxes their pensions. Hogwash! Older Iowans leave Iowa for 3 or 4 reasons. Those being December, January, February and March. Teflon pillages Human Service programs in order to give money to his political allies. (See Iowa moving to a "managed care" MedicAid system.) Teflon speaks of "Iowa Values" but he wouldn't know one if he ran into one head first.