I have a number of concerns about these proposals. The problem is, really breaking this stuff down makes for long posts which take a lot of time to write and to read, so pardon my being a bit terse. And if I focus on potential drawbacks, rather than give credit to what might be the benefits, don't take it as my being overly negative, or averse to change. I just think it's the most productive thing I could easily add.
Here are three questions to consider when you're thinking about this kind of thing.
First: how you would exploit these rules?
For instance, let's say that if I'm in control, and the bottom man crosses his back, it's one point. So, I jump out front, slap on a front headlock, and start rolling the bottom man. Likewise, we'd probably see the crotch lift, ankle lace, and other freestyle standards start to show up. This would seem to run contrary to the "control" objective.
Or, if I stand up from bottom and I'm anywhere near the edge of the mat, I certainly know where I want to go. Even if you stipulate that running for the edge is stalling, I now have an incentive to make sure that the action takes place as close to the edge of the mat as possible. That's an odd fit with the pushout rule on the feet.
Second: if you make scoring easier, how will the athletes compensate?
There's an equilibrium at work that's really hard to break. If the top man can score back points more easily, how does that affect my willingness to take risks on bottom? Even if you extend nearfall to a one-count (as amended after the point about granbys), does the palatte of viable techniques on bottom become much more limited and boring? If, in neutral, all the opponent needs to do to score is lock his hands around my leg, can I afford to give up any position at all? And conversely, if I can score by just by catching a leg, why would I risk attempting a takedown?
Third: do we trust the referees, or not?
There's a whole lot of talk about how to adjust the rules, because we can't count on the referees to call stalling. But we want to ask them to judge, on every takedown, whether it was offensive or defensive? I'd be sorely challenged to define criteria to distinguish these, except in very simple cases. Without reliable criteria, we're obliging the same people who lack either the judgment or courage to call stalling to exercise their judgment on every takedown. And except in the simplest cases, you really couldn't argue the call, because it's pure judgment.