I like many of the ideas on this thread, and many others with a little tweaking. I am sick of defensive 1-0, 2-1 3-2 matches where no one takes a risk for fear of being scored on defensively. I am a purist though who doesn't like rule changes in general, but some of these are way overdue. I want to see college wrestling more like the '80s even if it causes some sloppy wrestling.
I think more of the difference between now and then is caused by officiating than by rules though.Today's refs are much more reluctant to call stalling, and are way more inconsistent in their stall calls. Many of the stall calls I see today leave me scratching my head, such as a man riding parallel with a leg trapped or the legs in, making no real attempt to turn hips getting a stall call on the bottom man who is trapped, and waiting for him to get desperate enough to do something stupid to give them a cheap nearfall.
I agree we need to change something to put more action in matches, but I am against rules that would create more calls that would require subjective calls by the ref, because I haven't seen many refs capable of making those calls consistently in recent years.
Lets fix what's wrong without creating more/other problems. Lots of great ideas here, let's hope the rules committee really does look at some of these.
I think more of the difference between now and then is caused by officiating than by rules though.Today's refs are much more reluctant to call stalling, and are way more inconsistent in their stall calls. Many of the stall calls I see today leave me scratching my head, such as a man riding parallel with a leg trapped or the legs in, making no real attempt to turn hips getting a stall call on the bottom man who is trapped, and waiting for him to get desperate enough to do something stupid to give them a cheap nearfall.
I agree we need to change something to put more action in matches, but I am against rules that would create more calls that would require subjective calls by the ref, because I haven't seen many refs capable of making those calls consistently in recent years.
Lets fix what's wrong without creating more/other problems. Lots of great ideas here, let's hope the rules committee really does look at some of these.