Brent Blum Tweeting About Frank Garza


Oct 9, 2002
I saw a response to an Eickholt post where Blum made some comments about Frank Garza this last weekend. Could you imagine the outcry if Dolph made comments about a cyclone parent, and I'm not comparing Blum to Dolph, as he's about the size of Gary's left testy, but what a petty 120 pound man.

Oh and to be clear, David was pointing out he thought the NBA finals were more exciting then the KU vs ISU bball game, to which Blum was defending.
Is he the one who pleaded guilty to fraud and money laundering and spent 30 months in prison?
To be honest, I was stunned that the Frank Garza story didn't get any play during Luka's career in Iowa City. To be fair, Luka had nothing to do with Frank's financial "issues" and it wouldn't have been fair to Luka to dredge up that story. However, with that amount of face time that Frank was getting on TV, I fully expected someone was going to dredge up Frank's not-so-pleasant past.
The two things aren’t mutually exclusive. F Garza seems shady AF from everything I’ve read. Blum is still a huge douche canoe with a never-ending little man complex.
Frank got in over his head, made mistakes and paid his dues for his wrongdoing some 20+ years ago. People change. What exactly did you witness Frank do that was 'shady AF'?
The two things aren’t mutually exclusive. F Garza seems shady AF from everything I’ve read. Blum is still a huge douche canoe with a never-ending little man complex.

I won't pretend that I know Luka Garza but I enjoyed watching him play and he comes off as a very likable person. I have always hoped that, in his financial dealings, he kept himself separate from his Dad. I feared that the whole "Peacock" theme was Frank trying to cash in on Luka's basketball success.

As for Blum . . . yeah . . . you nailed it. Never ending inferiority complex.
I saw a response to an Eickholt post where Blum made some comments about Frank Garza this last weekend. Could you imagine the outcry if Dolph made comments about a cyclone parent, and I'm not comparing Blum to Dolph, as he's about the size of Gary's left testy, but what a petty 120 pound man.

Oh and to be clear, David was pointing out he thought the NBA finals were more exciting then the KU vs ISU bball game, to which Blum was defending.
Iowa State beat writers don't share rooms with player's parents, but this is a silly thing to be offended about. Eickholt is a clown anyway.
Coming from the Wilson ball fan base, this is rich.

Dude... we are joking that it can't be an excuse as to why we can't shoot... but we seriously can't shoot with that thing. It's not a conspiracy. Ever since one of our players mentioned it a few years ago it's lodged in guy's minds. Look how poorly we shot at Northwestern, Wisconsin and in the Big Ten Tourney.

Must improve quickly or we are one and done. No excuses.
Blum is your typical 30-something snarky ISU fan obsessed with trolling the Iowa fanbase on social media and has self-admitted to short man syndrome. It is unfortunate when people like that are given a louder platform to be heard. The fun part would be watching him tear himself down on Twitter because he absolutely would stoop as low as humanly possible to one up an Iowa fan and wouldn't even realize it cost him his professional journalistic integrity in the process.

Fortunately for him, I have no intentions, at this time, of degrading myself by creating a Twitter account and jumping into that cesspool of humanity. ;)
You guys really don’t know the frank garza story.
Seriously? A simple search reveals the entire extent of the fraud he perpetrated with his clients' money over 20 years ago, and the reporting is out there still and is abundant.

You're a complete idiot if you think there is some undiscovered schemes/illegal activities still lurking out there surrounding Frank Garza.
Seriously? A simple search reveals the entire extent of the fraud he perpetrated with his clients' money over 20 years ago, and the reporting is out there still and is abundant.

You're a complete idiot if you think there is some undiscovered schemes/illegal activities still lurking out there surrounding Frank Garza.
Not what I said. Most Iowa fans don't know that Frank is a POS.
Imagine being an iowa state fan arguing about an iowa players dad on an iowa message board
I can't believe they even made it in to the tournament. Comical that a play by play guy who is a representative of ISU behaves like that but with him, pollard, and mr. Joens. In the same building at the same time you would think that he would shut up. And over 20 years ago? Who cares? Some of the isu and Iowa players weren't even born then. Jeesh.
To be honest, I was stunned that the Frank Garza story didn't get any play during Luka's career in Iowa City. To be fair, Luka had nothing to do with Frank's financial "issues" and it wouldn't have been fair to Luka to dredge up that story. However, with that amount of face time that Frank was getting on TV, I fully expected someone was going to dredge up Frank's not-so-pleasant past.

We all were distracted by that peacock that for some reason would not fly ;)
Not what I said. Most Iowa fans don't know that Frank is a POS.

Have you met Frank? If not, then your really can't make that claim.

I have met Frank and tailgaited with he and Ash's parents; they were all very nice people and a helluva lot of fun.

He certainly doesn't spend his time bashing great athletes at ISU the way Brian Jones does. I feel bad for Ashley as everyone around IC talks glowingly of her; her dad on the other hand is one of, if not the, most unliked person in town.
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What's this story about a media meber sleeping with a players parent?

How in the world would you know that for certain, and who gives a shit? What happens in someone else's bedroom, kitchen, hallway, or on their pool table, is no one else's business.

Worrying about other people's sex life is a symptom of tiny dick syndrome.
The Garza’s invited Eickholt to stay with them the last NCAA tournament or something? Not sure why that’s a deal to Blum, Cydkar or anyone for that matter. Not even sure why it’s weird.
"pleaded"? Seneca Wallace dad use to try to sell crack at ISU games. Ashley Joens dad is the worst type of person possible. As far as Frank, not sure, but a hell of a dad.
Jazzer...back off the bullshit regarding your comment on Joen’s Dad...there are other factors at work there that you need to consider. It was a bullshit comment.,
He’s John Walter’s color guy on the radio play by play always being the victim of bad calls. Perfect fit for the ISU fanbase.
Was it John Walters or some other ISU guy spouting off after the Satterfield/Everson situation where they were saying how great for ISU and they need to capitalize off of it? Or maybe it was guy that runs their rivals board. Either way they are all a bunch of dbags.
Jazzer...back off the bullshit regarding your comment on Joen’s Dad...there are other factors at work there that you need to consider. It was a bullshit comment.,
I ran into him at an AAU tournament a few years ago when my oldest was playing. He started screaming mid-game at another parent who told him to calm down, he can eat sh** for being a gigantic piece of sh**. I don't care about any other factors, he's a piece of sh**.