But seriously, former Rep. David Jolly (R-Florida) how do you REALLY feel?


HR King
Gold Member
Jeebus, I haven't even heard many Democrats rip the GOP this hard!

"Today’s Republican Party — spineless politicians rotten to the core, without virtue, without any level of human integrity, devoid of self-respect, self-reflection, without courage, and without the moral compass to recognize their own malevolence."

If by ‘Today’s Republican Party’ he meant today’s Republicans and Democrats then he nailed it.

Mr. Jolly must come from the Morning (cuckold) Joe wing of that worthless party. :p
I've known David & his family forever, they're good people. He was willing to talk to those from the other side of the aisle, so his seat was sacrificed by the State legislature when they were forced to re-draw district lines. His area got carved up & he was put into one that was heavily Dem.
I wish there were more people like him in major elected offices.
Trump has dug the GOP into it's deepest hole since Watergate. And right now to lead my country I would take Nixon over Trump.

The difference is Nixon had no personal part of the Watergate break in. He just tried to cover it up as his paranoid thought pattern led him to. Trump is at the heart of all things involved now. He was perpetrator here and nothing can cover up his own admitted actions.
The difference is Nixon had no personal part of the Watergate break in. He just tried to cover it up as his paranoid thought pattern led him to. Trump is at the heart of all things involved now. He was perpetrator here and nothing can cover up his own admitted actions.

Yep, and he's too frickin' dumb to even realize it, as is anyone who support his continued reign of stupid in the White House.
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I've known David & his family forever, they're good people. He was willing to talk to those from the other side of the aisle, so his seat was sacrificed by the State legislature when they were forced to re-draw district lines. His area got carved up & he was put into one that was heavily Dem.
I wish there were more people like him in major elected offices.
Reps like Jolly have almost all been purged from the GOP. The wing nuts took a lot of them out, and demographics and anti-Trump ire took about 30 of them out in 2018.
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