buying isn't owning


HR Legend
Jun 14, 2005

This is a case that needs to be played out in court. They will need to change it to "renting a viewing license". So either something like DVD's will come back or companies will start selling digital downloads of things so you can say you "own" them. It will be up to you to keep them safe and organized though.
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I figured out this problem with iTunes and Comcast on-demand back in the day. You could "buy" a song or a movie, but you couldn't play it on anything other than the host system - that lack of portability was a big problem for me.
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This is a case that needs to be played out in court. They will need to change it to "renting a viewing license". So either something like DVD's will come back or companies will start selling digital downloads of things so you can say you "own" them. It will be up to you to keep them safe and organized though.
I'll do the digital download when purchasing a blu-ray, but I refuse to "buy" from places from Amazon, et al. I had a gut feeling something like this would happen, so I'm glad I trusted my gut.
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This all reminds me of Elliott Spitzer, NY AG and Governor that was prosecuting people and business for crimes committed but was himself using an escort, which led to his resignation as Governor. A lease vs ownership comparison with the escort vs a wife and subsequent divorce came to fruition with the two and how it cost less to rent vs own, and get owned.

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