Bye Bye Bannon

Back on the streets in November,.. nobody will even know he was gone.

Sad but true. Trump will go on a pardon frenzy and will adjust the rules to protect himself and his cronies in the future. I'm guessing that's what he means by draining the swamp?
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So is the MAGA thought process that Trump and his band of crooks are totally innocent or do they just feel it's unfair for these problems to be pursued legally?

i.e. did Trump not pay hush money to a porn star using campaign funds? Bannon's innocent etc...
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Shenanigans is probably the most correct way to describe it,.. but it's sort of lacking in shock value.

Mainly from the lack of surprise at Trump's character. Of course he does stuff like this. I'm just shocked he was held accountable although it looks like efforts are under way to fix that.

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