Cable Cutters

  • Thread starter anon_snp6dc585nnj4
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We recently went from no cable/all streaming with an Apple TV back to cable strictly because of the DVR option. Almost all the channels getting use on the DVR are also available OTA. Turns out TiVo has an OTA DVR that looks pretty nice and affordable called the "Roamio." Anyone have experience with this? Reviews look pretty good.

Also word on the web is Apple TV is going to offer a streaming TV service with big channels including ESPN and FX for around $30-40 a month, coming on their next update.
I have a pair that do a pretty good job of cutting. I can never figure out which connector to use though.
The DVR option is definitely worth something. Imagine paying $20 for Sling (or whatever it's called) and $15 for some other a la carte package and so on, and not being able to record or skip ads.

Sure, you could set up a computer to do it, but most of us aren't that savvy.

Add those package costs, plus the internet service that they make you pay more for if it isn't bundled with TV and/or phone, and you may not save all that much.
Next week, this happens. DirecTV after 20+ years go bye bye. Losing my job eventually late this year at some point.

MLB online subscription and my Grundig radio and I'm all set there, listening to Newton AM 1280/Cardinals as I type (not bad for CR reception...Grundigs are amazing).

I'll probably get a Netflix and Hulu subscription eventually. I already got a rooftop antenna and a DVR to use with it. I can see maybe an XM rig too.

$111 a month is just too much damn money.
Decided to drop DirecTV for the summer. Wife and I don't watch a ton of stuff outside of sports, and neither are big baseball fans so it was a pretty easy decision. Haven't regretted it yet as we have been getting caught up on a bunch of series that are on Netflix and Hulu+. Direct was basically begging me to stay, offered to basically cut the bill by about 30-40% with almost every movie package thrown in. Have had about 3 calls and 10 mailers to me since I've dropped it. Once football season gets here I will renew for a pretty cheep 2 year deal, or see what stuff is available with other streaming sites.

My advice to everyone with Direct, call and tell them you are thinking of dropping. Will save $20/mo minimum if not in a current contract.

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