Can someone please explain

Noble Hawk

HB Heisman
Sep 14, 2003
What exactly Obama is trying to accomplish in the Middle East? Seriously, what is the strategy and what is the end goal?
He's definitely not following his foreign policy credo of "Don't do dumb stuff."
Maybe he is trying to boost the economy by expanding markets for our arms manufacturers? Its one area we still shine. Sell to Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia, pretty bold move I must say. Might be time to invest in Fidelity® Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio, its on the rise. This plus the visa move is going to set up Obama for some monster contributions to his library in a couple years.
His only coherent policy centers on showing Bibi who's boss. It's more tantrum than policy.

When it comes to foreign affairs, Obama and Jarrett needs to have their learner's permits revoked.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Its one area we still shine. Sell to Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia, pretty bold move I must say.
Don't forget Qatar.

Last year we sold 11Bil in arms to Qatar who supports Hamas and Syria in the fight against Israel.

The same Qatar that are faithfully babysitting the "Taliban 5" for us.
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Its one area we still shine. Sell to Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia, pretty bold move I must say.
Don't forget Qatar.

Last year we sold 11Bil in arms to Qatar who supports Hamas and Syria in the fight against Israel.

The same Qatar that are faithfully babysitting the "Taliban 5" for us.
Obama might just be a Ferengi?

If he is responsible for Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan for finally creating a joint fighting force, he deserves some credit for that. Even if it is because he appears unwilling to send major forces to the Middle East again.
Why have all the Secretaries of Defense resigned
during the Obama administration?

Why have many Generals in the U.S. army been

They did not agree with Valarie Jarrett and Ann
Rice who run the foreign policy of Obama.
Originally posted by LuteHawk:

Why have all the Secretaries of Defense resigned
during the Obama administration?

Why have many Generals in the U.S. army been

They did not agree with Valarie Jarrett and Ann
who run the foreign policy of Obama.
Well that explains a lot:

Originally posted by Noble Hawk:
What exactly Obama is trying to accomplish in the Middle East? Seriously, what is the strategy and what is the end goal?
He's implementing America's long-overdue exit strategy.

The US has controlled Middle East oil since WWII. With Britain, at first, but mostly just us in the last several decades. It's propped up the value of the dollar and has let us call the shots around the world for the most part. It helped keep the USSR in check.

Times have changed. We can't control things like we used to. Partly because, since Reagan, America has been spiraling into a sham economy dominated and gutted by the non-productive financial sector and debt. Partly because other nations are catching up and even passing us in many fields, and will rival us in power fairly soon. And partly because we could, if we wished, become energy independent (and we could even do that in a green way, if we were smart enough).

So what is that exit strategy, you ask?

Turn the Middle East into a shambles that can't threaten us too badly for a good long time. Exacerbate sectarian hatred, fund the key dictators on one side (Saudi Arabia and Egypt, in this case), weaken as many of the other players as possible . . . and let them kill each other.

What, you don't think that's our strategy? If you don't think that's our strategy, you're the guy who watches someone paint his house white who, despite the evidence of what he's seeing, somehow does not believe the guy actually wants a white house.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:

Originally posted by Noble Hawk:
What exactly Obama is trying to accomplish in the Middle East? Seriously, what is the strategy and what is the end goal?
He's implementing America's long-overdue exit strategy.

The US has controlled Middle East oil since WWII. With Britain, at first, but mostly just us in the last several decades. It's propped up the value of the dollar and has let us call the shots around the world for the most part. It helped keep the USSR in check.

Times have changed. We can't control things like we used to. Partly because, since Reagan, America has been spiraling into a sham economy dominated and gutted by the non-productive financial sector and debt. Partly because other nations are catching up and even passing us in many fields, and will rival us in power fairly soon. And partly because we could, if we wished, become energy independent (and we could even do that in a green way, if we were smart enough).

So what is that exit strategy, you ask?

Turn the Middle East into a shambles that can't threaten us too badly for a good long time. Exacerbate sectarian hatred, fund the key dictators on one side (Saudi Arabia and Egypt, in this case), weaken as many of the other players as possible . . . and let them kill each other.

What, you don't think that's our strategy? If you don't think that's our strategy, you're the guy who watches someone paint his house white who, despite the evidence of what he's seeing, somehow does not believe the guy actually wants a white house.
I agree that is what is happening under Obama. However, I don't think that was his intent or his strategy. Also, you left out the part where many of the players wind up in the nuclear club. It's a mucking fess, IMO.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Its amazing Rs couldn't get more out of the guy isn't it?
What's really amazing is that the Rs don't recognize that Iran has effectively agreed to both those demands. Obama is holding out for more.

This is why it's hard to trust Rs with the vote. They not only don't even try to get the facts straight, they push falsehoods.
Yes. Why hasn't Obama fixed hundreds of years of worth of ethnic and religious strife? Why did he do away with the US/Soviet dynamic that leveraged most of the world into manageable camps?
Why hasn't he gotten boots on the ground in Iran, Syria, Yemen, and every place else Republicans want to talk tough about?
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Its amazing Rs couldn't get more out of the guy isn't it?
What's really amazing is that the Rs don't recognize that Iran has effectively agreed to both those demands. Obama is holding out for more.

This is why it's hard to trust Rs with the vote. They not only don't even try to get the facts straight, they push falsehoods.
It will be interesting to learn soon what the final deal was. I bet this episode will make a great book. Perhaps a fine movie depending on the final resolution.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:

Originally posted by Noble Hawk:
What exactly Obama is trying to accomplish in the Middle East? Seriously, what is the strategy and what is the end goal?
He's implementing America's long-overdue exit strategy.

The US has controlled Middle East oil since WWII. With Britain, at first, but mostly just us in the last several decades. It's propped up the value of the dollar and has let us call the shots around the world for the most part. It helped keep the USSR in check.

Times have changed. We can't control things like we used to. Partly because, since Reagan, America has been spiraling into a sham economy dominated and gutted by the non-productive financial sector and debt. Partly because other nations are catching up and even passing us in many fields, and will rival us in power fairly soon. And partly because we could, if we wished, become energy independent (and we could even do that in a green way, if we were smart enough).

So what is that exit strategy, you ask?

Turn the Middle East into a shambles that can't threaten us too badly for a good long time. Exacerbate sectarian hatred, fund the key dictators on one side (Saudi Arabia and Egypt, in this case), weaken as many of the other players as possible . . . and let them kill each other.

What, you don't think that's our strategy? If you don't think that's our strategy, you're the guy who watches someone paint his house white who, despite the evidence of what he's seeing, somehow does not believe the guy actually wants a white house.
So, his strategy is to destabilize the region and let them kill each other? Well, mission accomplished. Considering his "deal" with Iran is about to start a nuclear arms race in the middle east, well, that was all a part of the plan right? In fact, just in case the deal in Iran doesn't get it started, might as well declassify the Israeli programs details for a little extra motivation.

Great plan. Thankfully Europe would be out range for any nuclear attack. Also, we can just destabilize the region, leave, and no other world powers will try to fill that vacuum, right? That has never happened.

It's that because you paint houses, but only have rollers and miniature brushes. Blue and pink mixed together don't make red, but you paint the windows with semi gloss brown and only do 2 coats. Despite the fact that the garage has vinyl siding and the guy wanted new radio dials for his car stereo. And YOU won't eat pop rocks.

"Control oil and you control nations," said US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the 1970s. "Control food and you control the people."

Greenspan and many others have said it is about oil. All wars are fought over natural resources. There are over $1 Trillion worth in Afghanistan. Lithium, cobalt, precious metals, oil pipelines and other things that an economy needs to flourish.

Dollar hegemony is another. Saddam started trading oil for euros. He was taken out. Iran built an oil bourse to trade in other currencies because they do not wish to get stuck with a devaluing dollar. They have been targeted for extinction. The overthrown leader of Ukraine, Yanukovych, did not wish to join NATO and got a better deal with Russia. He was dismissed in a coup de tat.

Lots of money being made for the 1%'s and paid for by you and me. Others paid in blood. The MIC is rolling in it with their escalation of arms. It's managed conflict.
Originally posted by Noble Hawk:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:

Originally posted by Noble Hawk:
What exactly Obama is trying to accomplish in the Middle East? Seriously, what is the strategy and what is the end goal?
He's implementing America's long-overdue exit strategy.

The US has controlled Middle East oil since WWII. With Britain, at first, but mostly just us in the last several decades. It's propped up the value of the dollar and has let us call the shots around the world for the most part. It helped keep the USSR in check.

Times have changed. We can't control things like we used to. Partly because, since Reagan, America has been spiraling into a sham economy dominated and gutted by the non-productive financial sector and debt. Partly because other nations are catching up and even passing us in many fields, and will rival us in power fairly soon. And partly because we could, if we wished, become energy independent (and we could even do that in a green way, if we were smart enough).

So what is that exit strategy, you ask?

Turn the Middle East into a shambles that can't threaten us too badly for a good long time. Exacerbate sectarian hatred, fund the key dictators on one side (Saudi Arabia and Egypt, in this case), weaken as many of the other players as possible . . . and let them kill each other.

What, you don't think that's our strategy? If you don't think that's our strategy, you're the guy who watches someone paint his house white who, despite the evidence of what he's seeing, somehow does not believe the guy actually wants a white house.
So, his strategy is to destabilize the region and let them kill each other? Well, mission accomplished. Considering his "deal" with Iran is about to start a nuclear arms race in the middle east, well, that was all a part of the plan right? In fact, just in case the deal in Iran doesn't get it started, might as well declassify the Israeli programs details for a little extra motivation.

Great plan. Thankfully Europe would be out range for any nuclear attack. Also, we can just destabilize the region, leave, and no other world powers will try to fill that vacuum, right? That has never happened.

It's that because you paint houses, but only have rollers and miniature brushes. Blue and pink mixed together don't make red, but you paint the windows with semi gloss brown and only do 2 coats. Despite the fact that the garage has vinyl siding and the guy wanted new radio dials for his car stereo. And YOU won't eat pop rocks.

You asked for an explanation. If you aren't ready to think about it, why ask?

Iran will become a nuclear power some day - if it wants to and if we or someone doesn't bomb the heck out of them first. If you don't think that inevitability entitles us to slaughter thousands or perhaps millions of innocents, then the rational approach is to make sure Iran is firmly participating in the community of nations by the time it gets there and doesn't have the desire to use their nukes. Needless to say, Republicans and conservatives reject this approach. Nor has Obama been doing a great job of pursuing that approach. But at least his strategy (to the extent that we can tell what it is) seems pointed in that direction.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:

Originally posted by Noble Hawk:

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:

Originally posted by Noble Hawk:
What exactly Obama is trying to accomplish in the Middle East? Seriously, what is the strategy and what is the end goal?
He's implementing America's long-overdue exit strategy.

The US has controlled Middle East oil since WWII. With Britain, at first, but mostly just us in the last several decades. It's propped up the value of the dollar and has let us call the shots around the world for the most part. It helped keep the USSR in check.

Times have changed. We can't control things like we used to. Partly because, since Reagan, America has been spiraling into a sham economy dominated and gutted by the non-productive financial sector and debt. Partly because other nations are catching up and even passing us in many fields, and will rival us in power fairly soon. And partly because we could, if we wished, become energy independent (and we could even do that in a green way, if we were smart enough).

So what is that exit strategy, you ask?

Turn the Middle East into a shambles that can't threaten us too badly for a good long time. Exacerbate sectarian hatred, fund the key dictators on one side (Saudi Arabia and Egypt, in this case), weaken as many of the other players as possible . . . and let them kill each other.

What, you don't think that's our strategy? If you don't think that's our strategy, you're the guy who watches someone paint his house white who, despite the evidence of what he's seeing, somehow does not believe the guy actually wants a white house.
So, his strategy is to destabilize the region and let them kill each other? Well, mission accomplished. Considering his "deal" with Iran is about to start a nuclear arms race in the middle east, well, that was all a part of the plan right? In fact, just in case the deal in Iran doesn't get it started, might as well declassify the Israeli programs details for a little extra motivation.

Great plan. Thankfully Europe would be out range for any nuclear attack. Also, we can just destabilize the region, leave, and no other world powers will try to fill that vacuum, right? That has never happened.

It's that because you paint houses, but only have rollers and miniature brushes. Blue and pink mixed together don't make red, but you paint the windows with semi gloss brown and only do 2 coats. Despite the fact that the garage has vinyl siding and the guy wanted new radio dials for his car stereo. And YOU won't eat pop rocks.

You asked for an explanation. If you aren't ready to think about it, why ask?

Iran will become a nuclear power some day - if it wants to and if we or someone doesn't bomb the heck out of them first. If you don't think that inevitability entitles us to slaughter thousands or perhaps millions of innocents, then the rational approach is to make sure Iran is firmly participating in the community of nations by the time it gets there and doesn't have the desire to use their nukes. Needless to say, Republicans and conservatives reject this approach. Nor has Obama been doing a great job of pursuing that approach. But at least his strategy (to the extent that we can tell what it is) seems pointed in that direction.
Your grip on Iranian reality is sorely lacking. Thank God you're not on the negotiating team.

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