Canadian Election - Trudeau & Liberals Projected to Win

Nov 28, 2010
Like most Americans I know shamefully little about our neighbor. Idiot conservative Harper is running to extend what he apparently thinks is a lifetime job as Canada's Prime Minister. The major opposition comes from the Trudeau dynasty. Respected name but dates all the way back to the 1960s and 70s - so Justin Trudeau had better be running on more than nostalgia and his good looks.

Unlike the US, Canada has a viable 3rd party, the New Democrats - apparently a response to Canada's Liberal party moving rightward.

Trudeau is currently in the lead but all 3 candidates have held the lead at some point in recent weeks.

Naturally I favor the New Democrats' Tom Mulcair. Don't know a thing about him, but his party sounds more like the Bernie Sanders wing of the Canadian political animal.
The election is tomorrow. Still time to learn something about Canada and it's politics.

Contrary to popular belief, there's more to Canada than tar sands.
So, you admit to knowing nothing about Canadian politics, but you like the "New Democrats" because it "sounds like the Bernie Sanders wing" of Canadian liberalism?

Okay.... solid reasoning there.
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The extent of my knowledge of Canadian politics is that the election was today. Congrats to the winner.
So, you admit to knowing nothing about Canadian politics, but you like the "New Democrats" because it "sounds like the Bernie Sanders wing" of Canadian liberalism?

Okay.... solid reasoning there.
Actually, what I said was that I know shamefully little about our neighbor - not that I know as little as you apparently do about their politics.

I don't know anything about Mucair, but I do know that Canada is a parliamentary system. Which means the head of the winning party becomes the PM. So I don't need to know about Mucair if I know enough about his party to want it in power.

Maybe you should "reason" a little more before jumping to dumb conclusions and throwing out childish insults.
What I know about Canada is they don't have a Constitution like the U.S., so anything is possible. Their Health Care stinks, I do know that.
Canada has turned to a political scion to deliver on a promise of change.

On Monday night, Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party of Canada captured a majority in the 338 seat-Parliament, ending nearly a decade of Conservative governance.

Born in the spotlight, Trudeau is the eldest child of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who led the nation almost continually for more than 15 total years between 1968 and 1984 with a flashy but polarizing style.

At just 43, the telegenic younger Trudeau spent a gruelling campaign — Canada's longest since 1872 — beating back the Conservatives' ad narrative that he wasn't ready. First elected to Parliament in 2008, he has spent much of his political career trying to dispel notions that he's more style than substance, more sizzle than steak.

Trudeau's ascension marks the end of Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's reign as prime minister. First elected to the job in 2006, Harper is currently the second longest-serving leader in the G7.

Although he steered Canada through the global financial crisis of 2008, a hallmark of Harper's legacy will be government secrecy, including the so-called muzzling of federal scientists, and cut-throat politics, marked by attack ads and wedge issues.

The win also means sweet redemption for Trudeau's centre-left party.

Once among the most successful political parties on the planet, the Liberals were — in the eyes of many — left for dead after after years of declining support culminated in scandal and disastrous 2011 election results.

A party of pragmatists, Liberals have long frustrated those on the left or right who favour ideological purity. Liberals, some charge, will pivot to where their interests are best served and stand for little beyond winning.

Ready or not, they've won once more. In this campaign, they stood firmly in favour of spending.

While his opponents pledged balanced budgets, Trudeau took the bolder option of promising three years of deficits to more than double infrastructure spending. He also vowed to raise taxes on Canada's "wealthiest one per cent" — those, including him, earning more than $200,000 — so that taxes for middle class families could be lowered.

Although his plan provided fodder for those eager to dismiss him as a "tax-and-spend" Liberal, he ultimately won on the message that now is the time to invest, not cut back.

How much change can the international community expect from Trudeau's government? It depends on the issue.

Here are seven ways a new Liberal government might affect the world.

Liberals vow to end Canada's combat mission in Iraq and Syria

Trudeau's party did not support joining the U.S.-led bombing mission against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. But Liberals do believe Canada has a role to play in combating ISIS.

Trudeau often compared the mission to the 2003 Iraq war led by George W. Bush. The controversial decision of a then-Liberal government not to join Canada's U.S. allies in that effort remains a point of pride for many Canadians.

Rather than dropping bombs, the Liberal leader said in his stump speeches, Canada should be helping to train local forces to defeat ISIS on the ground. He has also pledged to increase humanitarian aid.

"There's no question that it's absolutely in our national interest to help defeat ISIS, to work with international partners on that," Trudeau said at a foreign policy debate last month.

"But how Canada can best help is by doing more of the kind of training of infantry troops on the ground that we developed tremendous capacities to do in Afghanistan and in other places."

A more generous approach to refugees

The refugee crisis in Syria — and a Canadian connection to that heartbreaking photo of a little boy's lifeless body on a Turkish beach — prompted reflection on Canada's role as a generous global partner.

At a September debate that was supposed to focus on economic matters, Trudeau accused Harper of shirking his responsibilities on refugee resettlement.

The Conservative leader in turn accused Trudeau of wanting to throw open Canada's borders and accept hundreds of thousands of people without security checks.

"Yes, we need to be concerned about security," Trudeau responded, "but we don't take that as the excuse to close our doors."

In the waning days of the campaign, a damaging report showed that the Prime Minister's Office had ordered immigration officials to stop processing refugee applications last spring until they could be vetted by the prime minister's staff. Harper denied any of his officials were involved in vetting those files.

Liberals have pledged to immediately accept 25,000 government-sponsored refugees from Syria — a larger commitment than the one made by the more left-wing New Democratic Party (NDP) to welcome 10,000 before the end of the year. Liberals say they will spend $100 million this fiscal year to increase refugee settlement in Canada, and another $100 million for United Nations refugee programs.

Yes, Trudeau wants to build the Keystone XL pipeline

In what may come as a surprise to American progressives, Trudeau is doggedly in favour of building a pipeline to carry crude from Alberta oilsands to the U.S. Gulf Coast. It's a position that puts him offside with the likes of Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Environmental concerns did not factor much into the debate about Keystone in this campaign. The NDP said it opposes the proposal because it would ship jobs to the United States, and the Liberals blasted the Tories for failing to convince U.S. President Barack Obama to sign on.

Trudeau even suggested a personal conflict between Harper and Obama was standing in the project's way, publicly accusing the Tory leader of not liking the U.S. president very much.

The Liberal leader has vowed to have a more constructive relationship with the White House.

Support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (most likely)

The massive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal was reached roughly two weeks before Canadians voted.

Although the deal was lauded by Tories and opposed by the NDP, the Liberals held their cards close to the vest, saying they wanted to see the fine print of the deal before weighing in either way. That marked a shift away from Trudeau's early and vocal support of the Canada-European Union free trade deal.

But Trudeau often repeated that his party is "resolutely pro-trade" and that he would make the case as prime minister that Canada has resources and goods to share with the world.

Liberals aim to make Canada the latest country to legalize pot

One of the earliest policies associated with Trudeau was his pledge to legalize marijuana so that it can be regulated and taxed. He's said current laws make it easier for kids to access the drug, enriching only gangs and criminals.

That commitment, made shortly after he became Liberal leader in 2013, sparked near-constant derision from the Tories, who continue to favour prohibition.

The Liberal leader's admission to The Huffington Post Canada that he had smoked the drug while an MP also incited attacks from opponents.

In the waning days of the campaign, Conservatives released ads targeting Punjabi and Chinese-speaking voters, warning a Liberal government would like to see marijuana sold to children.

A fresh face at the Paris climate conference

Canada's recent reputation as a climate-change laggard is a sore spot for many who care deeply about the issue. With a global climate conference in Paris approaching in mere weeks, Liberals have committed to putting a price on carbon and ending the practice of setting — and ultimately missing — arbitrary emissions-reductions targets.

Their platform also vows to establish a framework for tackling climate change with the provinces within 90 days of the Paris conference, and calls for partnership with the United States and Mexico for an "ambitious North American clean energy and environmental agreement."

Of course, the Liberals' commitment to resource development conflicts with research suggesting most oilsands crude should remain in the ground to truly combat climate change.

An inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women

The estimated 1,200 cases of missing and slain indigenous women in Canada is this country's national disgrace, and the international community has taken notice.

For years, Harper's Tories have rejected demands to hold a national inquiry into the matter. Those calls grew louder in 2013 when a United Nations special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples endorsed an inquiry to address what he called a "disturbing phenomenon."

His later report concluded that human rights issues faced by First Nations had reached "crisis proportions."
Actually, what I said was that I know shamefully little about our neighbor - not that I know as little as you apparently do about their politics.

Maybe you should "reason" a little more before jumping to dumb conclusions and throwing out childish insults.

There was nothing childish or insulting about my post. I merely commented that I found it strange that you would say you know nothing about the political system in one breath, and then basically state you hope the "New Democrats" win because you thought the name sounded like it would align with your political views.
Like most Americans I know shamefully little about our neighbor. Idiot conservative Harper is running to extend what he apparently thinks is a lifetime job as Canada's Prime Minister. The major opposition comes from the Trudeau dynasty. Respected name but dates all the way back to the 1960s and 70s - so Justin Trudeau had better be running on more than nostalgia and his good looks.

Unlike the US, Canada has a viable 3rd party, the New Democrats - apparently a response to Canada's Liberal party moving rightward.

Trudeau is currently in the lead but all 3 candidates have held the lead at some point in recent weeks.

Naturally I favor the New Democrats' Tom Mulcair. Don't know a thing about him, but his party sounds more like the Bernie Sanders wing of the Canadian political animal.
I know nothing about Canadian politics and don't plan to learn, however, having lived in the UK, which is basically Canada, I learned that "Liberal, Labor, and Conservative" don't mean the same to them as they do to us.
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What I know about Canada is they don't have a Constitution like the U.S., so anything is possible. Their Health Care stinks, I do know that.

All you need to know about Canadian politics is that the PM's wife Maggie Trudeau banged several Rolling Stones. She is immortalized in a song on Some Girls (You're the easiest lay on the White House lawn.).
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Canada has turned to a political scion to deliver on a promise of change.

On Monday night, Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party of Canada captured a majority in the 338 seat-Parliament, ending nearly a decade of Conservative governance.

Born in the spotlight, Trudeau is the eldest child of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who led the nation almost continually for more than 15 total years between 1968 and 1984 with a flashy but polarizing style.

At just 43, the telegenic younger Trudeau spent a gruelling campaign — Canada's longest since 1872 — beating back the Conservatives' ad narrative that he wasn't ready. First elected to Parliament in 2008, he has spent much of his political career trying to dispel notions that he's more style than substance, more sizzle than steak.

Trudeau's ascension marks the end of Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's reign as prime minister. First elected to the job in 2006, Harper is currently the second longest-serving leader in the G7.

Although he steered Canada through the global financial crisis of 2008, a hallmark of Harper's legacy will be government secrecy, including the so-called muzzling of federal scientists, and cut-throat politics, marked by attack ads and wedge issues.

The win also means sweet redemption for Trudeau's centre-left party.

Once among the most successful political parties on the planet, the Liberals were — in the eyes of many — left for dead after after years of declining support culminated in scandal and disastrous 2011 election results.

A party of pragmatists, Liberals have long frustrated those on the left or right who favour ideological purity. Liberals, some charge, will pivot to where their interests are best served and stand for little beyond winning.

Ready or not, they've won once more. In this campaign, they stood firmly in favour of spending.

While his opponents pledged balanced budgets, Trudeau took the bolder option of promising three years of deficits to more than double infrastructure spending. He also vowed to raise taxes on Canada's "wealthiest one per cent" — those, including him, earning more than $200,000 — so that taxes for middle class families could be lowered.

Although his plan provided fodder for those eager to dismiss him as a "tax-and-spend" Liberal, he ultimately won on the message that now is the time to invest, not cut back.

How much change can the international community expect from Trudeau's government? It depends on the issue.

Here are seven ways a new Liberal government might affect the world.

Liberals vow to end Canada's combat mission in Iraq and Syria

Trudeau's party did not support joining the U.S.-led bombing mission against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. But Liberals do believe Canada has a role to play in combating ISIS.

Trudeau often compared the mission to the 2003 Iraq war led by George W. Bush. The controversial decision of a then-Liberal government not to join Canada's U.S. allies in that effort remains a point of pride for many Canadians.

Rather than dropping bombs, the Liberal leader said in his stump speeches, Canada should be helping to train local forces to defeat ISIS on the ground. He has also pledged to increase humanitarian aid.

"There's no question that it's absolutely in our national interest to help defeat ISIS, to work with international partners on that," Trudeau said at a foreign policy debate last month.

"But how Canada can best help is by doing more of the kind of training of infantry troops on the ground that we developed tremendous capacities to do in Afghanistan and in other places."

A more generous approach to refugees

The refugee crisis in Syria — and a Canadian connection to that heartbreaking photo of a little boy's lifeless body on a Turkish beach — prompted reflection on Canada's role as a generous global partner.

At a September debate that was supposed to focus on economic matters, Trudeau accused Harper of shirking his responsibilities on refugee resettlement.

The Conservative leader in turn accused Trudeau of wanting to throw open Canada's borders and accept hundreds of thousands of people without security checks.

"Yes, we need to be concerned about security," Trudeau responded, "but we don't take that as the excuse to close our doors."

In the waning days of the campaign, a damaging report showed that the Prime Minister's Office had ordered immigration officials to stop processing refugee applications last spring until they could be vetted by the prime minister's staff. Harper denied any of his officials were involved in vetting those files.

Liberals have pledged to immediately accept 25,000 government-sponsored refugees from Syria — a larger commitment than the one made by the more left-wing New Democratic Party (NDP) to welcome 10,000 before the end of the year. Liberals say they will spend $100 million this fiscal year to increase refugee settlement in Canada, and another $100 million for United Nations refugee programs.

Yes, Trudeau wants to build the Keystone XL pipeline

In what may come as a surprise to American progressives, Trudeau is doggedly in favour of building a pipeline to carry crude from Alberta oilsands to the U.S. Gulf Coast. It's a position that puts him offside with the likes of Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Environmental concerns did not factor much into the debate about Keystone in this campaign. The NDP said it opposes the proposal because it would ship jobs to the United States, and the Liberals blasted the Tories for failing to convince U.S. President Barack Obama to sign on.

Trudeau even suggested a personal conflict between Harper and Obama was standing in the project's way, publicly accusing the Tory leader of not liking the U.S. president very much.

The Liberal leader has vowed to have a more constructive relationship with the White House.

Support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (most likely)

The massive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal was reached roughly two weeks before Canadians voted.

Although the deal was lauded by Tories and opposed by the NDP, the Liberals held their cards close to the vest, saying they wanted to see the fine print of the deal before weighing in either way. That marked a shift away from Trudeau's early and vocal support of the Canada-European Union free trade deal.

But Trudeau often repeated that his party is "resolutely pro-trade" and that he would make the case as prime minister that Canada has resources and goods to share with the world.

Liberals aim to make Canada the latest country to legalize pot

One of the earliest policies associated with Trudeau was his pledge to legalize marijuana so that it can be regulated and taxed. He's said current laws make it easier for kids to access the drug, enriching only gangs and criminals.

That commitment, made shortly after he became Liberal leader in 2013, sparked near-constant derision from the Tories, who continue to favour prohibition.

The Liberal leader's admission to The Huffington Post Canada that he had smoked the drug while an MP also incited attacks from opponents.

In the waning days of the campaign, Conservatives released ads targeting Punjabi and Chinese-speaking voters, warning a Liberal government would like to see marijuana sold to children.

A fresh face at the Paris climate conference

Canada's recent reputation as a climate-change laggard is a sore spot for many who care deeply about the issue. With a global climate conference in Paris approaching in mere weeks, Liberals have committed to putting a price on carbon and ending the practice of setting — and ultimately missing — arbitrary emissions-reductions targets.

Their platform also vows to establish a framework for tackling climate change with the provinces within 90 days of the Paris conference, and calls for partnership with the United States and Mexico for an "ambitious North American clean energy and environmental agreement."

Of course, the Liberals' commitment to resource development conflicts with research suggesting most oilsands crude should remain in the ground to truly combat climate change.
Thanks. That was VERY informative.

For the tl;dr crowd, the executive summary is that he is sort of an Obama Democrat but better (more to the left) on refugees, pot, infrastructure investment, and the Middle East mess - while probably just as bad on the TPP. Mixed message on climate change. More in favor of acting - including (it sounds like) a carbon tax - yet in favor of the pipeline.
"Canada’s election on Monday was something much bigger than a local Canadian story. It’s another indicator of how Bill Clinton/Tony Blair-style liberalism is veering sharply to the left across the English-speaking world. Along with the surge of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic presidential primary in the United States and the nomination of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader in the United Kingdom, must now be reckoned Canada’s election of a Liberal government under Justin Trudeau."
"Canada’s election on Monday was something much bigger than a local Canadian story. It’s another indicator of how Bill Clinton/Tony Blair-style liberalism is veering sharply to the left across the English-speaking world. Along with the surge of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic presidential primary in the United States and the nomination of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader in the United Kingdom, must now be reckoned Canada’s election of a Liberal government under Justin Trudeau."
Of course another way to look at this is that the pendulum that took the so-called liberal parties pretty far to the right are finally swinging back where they belong - and aren't quite there yet.

Canada's Liberal Party sound less "liberal" than Sanders or Corbyn. But it did win. Sanders and Corbyn haven't won an election yet. And most don't expect Sanders to be the nominee, much less to win. I hope Corbyn has a better chance, but I wouldn't bet on it.

A key and telling difference between Trudeau and the other 2 is that the latter are opposed to the TPP. Which is another way of saying that they are opposed to corporate control over trade and politics.
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There was nothing childish or insulting about my post. I merely commented that I found it strange that you would say you know nothing about the political system in one breath, and then basically state you hope the "New Democrats" win because you thought the name sounded like it would align with your political views.
Again childishly misstating what I said. What is your point? Are you incompetent or just a troll - or both? Either way, you aren't worth any more of my time. I prefer to interact with adults.
Of course another way to look at this is that the pendulum that took the so-called liberal parties pretty far to the right are finally swinging back where they belong - and aren't quite there yet.

Canada's Liberal Party sound less "liberal" than Sanders or Corbyn. But it did win. Sanders and Corbyn haven't won an election yet. And most don't expect Sanders to be the nominee, much less to win. I hope Corbyn has a better chance, but I wouldn't bet on it.

A key and telling difference between Trudeau and the other 2 is that the latter are opposed to the TPP. Which is another way of saying that they are opposed to corporate control over trade and politics.

Agreed- I think the big takeaway is that, with the proliferation and relative success of "extreme" leftist alternatives like Sanders and NDP, the entire center is swinging left, making it so that the "moderate" liberal/democrat candidates are winning on platforms that would've been seen as far left even for their own parties just a decade ago.
The election is tomorrow. Still time to learn something about Canada and it's politics.

Contrary to popular belief, there's more to Canada than tar sands.
I see he is pulling out of the vast coalition BHO put together. His stance on Keystone will be interesting to see. I assume he will keep promoting that filthy oil.
What I know about Canada is they don't have a Constitution like the U.S., so anything is possible. Their Health Care stinks, I do know that.

None of this is true, none. They have a Constitution, spend about 60% of what we do per capita on health care and live three years longer on average. We could learn something from them.