Cancelling Magellan

FAUlty Gator

HB Legend
Oct 27, 2017
For centuries Ferdinand Magellan has been accorded a rare privilege. The explorer’s name has been written in the stars. Two satellite galaxies of our own Milky Way, which sparkle conspicuously over the southern hemisphere, are labelled the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

Now astronomers want to erase this celestial distinction. They say that Magellan, the 16th century Portuguese sailor, was a murderer who enslaved and burned down the homes of Indigenous peoples during his leadership of the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe. They insist his name should no longer be honoured by being associated with the clouds.

“Magellan committed horrific acts. In what became Guam and the Philippines, he and his men burned villages and killed their inhabitants,” says the astronomer Mia de los Reyes, of Amherst College in Massachusetts. Magellan led the 1519 Spanish expedition that achieved the first European navigation to Asia via the Pacific, but died in a battle, in 1521, with Indigenous people in the present-day Philippines.

In an article in the journal APS Physics, Reyes calls for the International Astronomical Union – the body in charge of naming astronomical objects – to rename the Magellanic Clouds. “I and many other astronomers believe that astronomical objects and facilities should not be named after Magellan, or after anyone else with a violent colonialist legacy.”

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For centuries Ferdinand Magellan has been accorded a rare privilege. The explorer’s name has been written in the stars. Two satellite galaxies of our own Milky Way, which sparkle conspicuously over the southern hemisphere, are labelled the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

Now astronomers want to erase this celestial distinction. They say that Magellan, the 16th century Portuguese sailor, was a murderer who enslaved and burned down the homes of Indigenous peoples during his leadership of the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe. They insist his name should no longer be honoured by being associated with the clouds.

“Magellan committed horrific acts. In what became Guam and the Philippines, he and his men burned villages and killed their inhabitants,” says the astronomer Mia de los Reyes, of Amherst College in Massachusetts. Magellan led the 1519 Spanish expedition that achieved the first European navigation to Asia via the Pacific, but died in a battle, in 1521, with Indigenous people in the present-day Philippines.

In an article in the journal APS Physics, Reyes calls for the International Astronomical Union – the body in charge of naming astronomical objects – to rename the Magellanic Clouds. “I and many other astronomers believe that astronomical objects and facilities should not be named after Magellan, or after anyone else with a violent colonialist legacy.”

Grow up
Ehh I think he's mostly historically known for exploration. I don't think this is necessary.
Why do we always assume the indigenous people are the victims? What if they were ass holes who picked the fight but ended up being pussies who got their asses whooped? You Palestine.
I’m starting to think all explorers are assholes

Edit: Just wait, in about 400 years we are gonna find out some bullshit about Neil Armstrong!
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Why do we always assume the indigenous people are the victims? What if they were ass holes who picked the fight but ended up being pussies who got their asses whooped? You Palestine.
Not surprised you are supremely stupid on this subject.

The vast majority of native population deaths occurred prior to widespread colonization and it was due entirely to disease.
Not surprised you are supremely stupid on this subject.

The vast majority of native population deaths occurred prior to widespread colonization and it was due entirely to disease.
Not surprised you can't sniff out sarcasm, even when it's as obvious as this.
I really think they should name things with numbers. People aren't worthy.

You can always count on numbers.

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I've said it for a while now, stop erecting statues and naming things after human beings. ALL humans are fallible. Start naming things generically after numbers, colors (sans black and white) and inanimate objects.

"Turn left on Blue Street"
The "Cincinnati Pine Trees"
"Purple Middle School"

This isn't hard to solve. Then folks will have to find something else to lose their collective minds over. least it won't be that.
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I've said it for a while name, stop erecting statues and naming things after human beings. ALL humans are fallible. Start naming things generically after numbers, colors (sans black and white) and inanimate objects.

"Turn left on Blue Street"
The "Cincinnati Pine Trees"
"Purple Middle School"

This isn't hard to solve. Then folks will have to find something else to lose their collective minds over. least it won't be that.
What I find interesting is why people get so butthurt when the people in charge of naming things - in this case a collection of astronomers I guess - choose to change them for whatever reason.

I mean, I don't see any right wing outrage over the fact that every single native american place name was changed to a European place name post-colonization.

Should I be super pissed that Davenport is no longer called Saukenak?
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I read a very excellent biography of Magellan.

This is a good decision.

Guy was a gigantic piece of shit.
Yeah, and he didn't even finish the trip. Was killed for being a dick and the ship carried on without him.
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Too late, it's named. Do better next time.
There is one constant in this life, and that is change. If he truly was a murderer and rapist, I’m kind of confused why any dipshit would argue in his favor.
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.
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How do we know this is even true? What if Magellan was the Kim Kardashian of his day and the haters created this narrative to be true?

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