Catalytic Converter Shields - Anyone Install Them?


HB Legend
Dec 16, 2001
Iowa City, IA
Since Kim’s going to starve the kids in Iowa this summer I’m assuming they’ll be stealing catalytic converters to pay for their Snickers. Anybody installed a shield on their car? Feel like it was a sound investment? Most of my cars are trucks/suvs and it would take probably 5 seconds for the degenerates to snag them, wouldn’t even need a jack. The $250-$300 and easy install seems like a no brainer if for nothing more than the hassle of dealing with a stolen one. Thoughts?
Why waste the money? It’s highly unlikely your catalytic converter is going to be stolen. And even if it is, just find another vehicle of the same model and steal theirs. It’s the circle of life.

I’ve kind of thought the same thing. But while I was gone there was a rash of thefts near one of my properties that I store a couple vehicles. Luckily the scum skipped mine or were unwilling to overcome the locked door. Maybe it’s recency bias that’s making me rethink my position.
We had to put up a fence at work several years ago because the mofos were taking them off of Sprinter vans. Easy target as they are easy to slide under.
I saw a Prius at a trailhead that had signs taped to it warning thieves that it had an alarm. So what? You are miles into the sticks with no one to hear the alarm, unless someone happened to be near by.

Thieves suck.
Most places that they were being sold to can now be criminally charged for taking and trafficking them.
Yep, but black markets are still around. One over in East Tennessee was popped several months ago.
All of the legit salvage yards around us require photo ID for any payout. They have signs up saying they will payout only to legit dealers regarding catalytics as well as heating and cooling units.
I’ve kind of thought the same thing. But while I was gone there was a rash of thefts near one of my properties that I store a couple vehicles. Luckily the scum skipped mine or were unwilling to overcome the locked door. Maybe it’s recency bias that’s making me rethink my position.
How many converters were stolen near you? And how many weren’t stolen within the same radius?

Mathematically, it’s very unlikely you’ll become a victim.