CC scored more points this year than the FB team scored during her 4 years at Iowa (combined).

that's not hard to do when this football team beats people 7-3 and the seven points is two safeties and a three pointer
Caitlyn Clark hasn't scored a touchdown all season. :eek:
did staley really say guys should play with the girls? then the girls should be put in at tight end and be allowed to score touchdowns. especially that 7 footer from south carolina, cardoso or whatever her name is.
Staley stumbled a bit and then grudgingly answered the question by choosing the more woke approach,.. Didn't seem like her heart was totally into it though.
That’s really not that impressive
She scored 1,200 points this season.

That means the football team would have to average 300 points a season to match that total in four years.

Ironically, if you take 300 divided over 12 games, you get exactly 25 points/game the football team would need to average—which was the average point total Brian needed to save his job, correct?

Of course, that number doesn’t include two BTCG games and three bowl games, but 2020 was a shortened season, so that’s about right on the average—25 a game to keep pace with Caitlin Clark this season.

So, yeah, not all that impressive, but it is worth mentioning the 2020 Hawkeyes were averaging 32 points/game. So, you take out 2020 and just do three full seasons from 2021-2023, it would be embarrassing how woefully short of Caitlin Clark’s season output the Iowa football team would be in three combined seasons.

Regardless, the Iowa offense has been absolute trash three years and counting. No comparison is going to change that fact.
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Don't remember the exact numbers but it was like 1200 cc, 1050 FB.
Yeah, I looked it up. Just over 1,200.

As I mentioned above, if you took out the 2020 season where Iowa was averaging 32 a game, the stat becomes absolutely embarrassing. Three years and about 500 points fewer than Caitlin in one year.

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