Celebrating our given freedom...


HB Legend
Mar 23, 2015
yet we continue to be less and less free, day after day. Strange times.
It's time we honor our soldiers and start taking the fights to the politicians who do this to the people. The soldiers themselves are not supposed to get too heavily involved in these matters.
It is up to the people to keep them from being used.
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Is that a trick question? Indefinite detention, assassination without trial, unwarranted surveillance, etc.

Wait, are you really claiming that YOU are less free than before because of those? Are you really of the opinion that you, a US Citizen in the US will be indefinitely detained, or assassinated? I mean, the Tsarnaev guy really proves your point....right? Or maybe Loughner?

I agree that surveillance by the government is a problem...but I'm not sure it is a "freedom" problem, at least nor per se.

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