ChatGPT is really good at programming


HB Legend
Feb 20, 2022
Saint Louis, Mo
I've been doing software dev for years and this was my wow @ AI moment.

ChatGPT turned 4 hours worth of work into 1.

It's incredibly attuned at understanding a programming problem if you give it a bit of context. Way better than I expected. You get good code and quick. I was getting plug and play chunks basically.

And it spit out an answer to a programming problem I had spent about 15 minutes on googling as soon as I entered the prompt. Fully functioning example solution that was easy to understand. (often it's easier to just look at the code rather than slog through overly verbose human description of the problem)

The productivity boost conferred by AI to software engineering is going to be incredible. (it's going to kill a lot of the tedious grunt work, certainly)

I wonder how many jobs it's going to kill or just fundamentally change, though. Of course the productivity boost could just lead to more new engineering jobs with a slightly different job profile.