Cheeto Gets Subpoena


HB Heisman
Mar 18, 2021

This is quite crazy if mayorkas is actively resisting her attendance in general. If she no shows it is going to throw fuel on the fire for anyone wondering if there was more going on here than ineptitude, and just how nefarious/high up the ladder that might go.

Scary times.. does she show up?

This is quite crazy if mayorkas is actively resisting her attendance in general. If she no shows it is going to throw fuel on the fire for anyone wondering if there was more going on here than ineptitude, and just how nefarious/high up the ladder that might go.

Scary times.. does she show up?
If Cheadle is a registered Republican, does that mean she has to show up and testify in front of this committee? (Asking for a friend.) Or can she just sight Gym Jordan’s refusal to appear as precedent?
Super Bowl Football GIF by Cheetos
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Iran has denounced the claims that they want to assassinate trump (not that we should believe them, but this was clearly not their doing). This is starting to look very very bad for secret service.
Chis, whatever you feel about Comer, this was a monumental screw up. Somehow or another, it needs to be looked at before something like this happens again, maybe next time to YOUR guy. You may not like it but I don’t see the D’s lined up to investigate so this, as flawed as it may be, might be the best way to get more information.

This is quite crazy if mayorkas is actively resisting her attendance in general. If she no shows it is going to throw fuel on the fire for anyone wondering if there was more going on here than ineptitude, and just how nefarious/high up the ladder that might go.

Scary times.. does she show up?
What ever happened to that gallows built for Pence?