Cheney: Obama Wants to 'Take America Down'

I'm picturing him saying this with a female elevator voice just to piss off some hysterical feminist.
Please identify some areas in which President Obama has actually tried to build up America and not tear it down. The guy is as anti a great America as one can be. He hates most everything that one made America great.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
It says a lot about this country that a psychopath like "5 deferment" Cheney is taken seriously or even given a platform to spew his deranged views.
Cheney is ten-times the man Obama could even dream about plus dick actually like America.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I actually dislike both of these guys and both have tried to take down America in their own ways.
Originally posted by gonegolfing:
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
It says a lot about this country that a psychopath like "5 deferment" Cheney is taken seriously or even given a platform to spew his deranged views.
Cheney is ten-times the man Obama could even dream about plus dick actually like America.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
And America like dick, but thats the only sensible part of what you had to say.
A couple of things from the article.

First, the reasoning behind Cheney's comments is because Obama doesn't think we should be the world's police officer? I've heard that stated many times on this board and nobody was accused of wanting to "take down America" because of it What happened to the idea of letting other countries defend themselves for their actions? It also sounds like he thinks we should go to war whenever we see fit. His track record proves that point

Secondly, and I'm sure this is just mere coincidence, I find it funny that he's out plugging his book when he makes such an exaggerated claim. I'm sure his comments were from the heart (well someone else's heart) and not a reason to try to drive up book sales.

This post was edited on 4/8 1:07 PM by fredjr82
Much like GWB I feel like Obama is a bad president and is bringing America down. Also like GWB I don't think Obama intentionally wants to take America down it is just he is over matched as president.

I blame us the voters for not nominating better people.
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:
And to think that Obama actually has Americans (brainiacs them all, no doubt) cheering him on.
You are talking about "Dick" Cheney, correct? Good Lord. You listen to that guy?
Originally posted by hawkeye54545:
Much like GWB I feel like Obama is a bad president and is bringing America down. Also like GWB I don't think Obama intentionally wants to take America down it is just he is over matched as president.

I blame us the voters for not nominating better people.
Couldn't agree more.

Obama isn't the problem, Bush wasn't the problem. Voters were, and are - the problem.
Originally posted by gonegolfing:

Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
It says a lot about this country that a psychopath like "5 deferment" Cheney is taken seriously or even given a platform to spew his deranged views.
Cheney is ten-times the man Obama could even dream about plus dick actually like America.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Obama isn't much of a man but the Dick Cheney is even less if he could be classified as a man at all. He competes with Hillary Clinton to be the sleaziest human being ever. The fact there are supposed human beings cheering him on is quite possibly the worst thing that has happened in the USA.
Originally posted by hawkeye54545:
Much like GWB I feel like Obama is a bad president and is bringing America down. Also like GWB I don't think Obama intentionally wants to take America down it is just he is over matched as president.

I blame us the voters for not nominating better people.

Couldn't agree more.

Obama isn't the problem, Bush wasn't the problem. Voters were, and are - the problem.

Oh, but he is our problem the next 19 months.

We need better voting options than someone named Bush or Clinton for 2016 and beyond.
Originally posted by gonegolfing:
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
It says a lot about this country that a psychopath like "5 deferment" Cheney is taken seriously or even given a platform to spew his deranged views.
Cheney is ten-times the man Obama could even dream about plus dick actually like America.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Dick loves america so much he's willing to let your kids die for it.
Nice to see some personal countenance for voting for sold-out criminals. Problem is; you'll still vote for Criminal D or Criminal R for the rest of your life. Even when there are exceptional candidates, they get marginalized and people follow the TV and Internet pundits, bloggers and "historians" who are all just indirect paid employees of the State Department or the Department of Defense or some other facet of corrupt American government. It's more like they use the government as cover for their crimes.

Dick Cheney is a coward. The epitome of a coward, actually. Sending kids off to fight and die for his wants and influence and dodging the draft 5 times when he was the kid who could have been sent to die. It doesn't matter how much better or worse Obama or Bush or Clinton or any other one of these flunkies are by comparison. Dick Cheney is a COWARD. A self-serving, arrogant coward.
When Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett are the key
advisors for Obama's foreign policy, then you
have problems. Either Obama is totally inept or
he listens to plenty of bad advice.
Dick Cheney's time has come and passed....sometime during the Reagan Administration. The guy is NOT a "great American" but rather acts the part of a cry baby. People who pay attention to what Dick Cheney thinks is wrong with America today sure weren't paying attention when Cheney was "in power" and had a large part in making America what it is today.

Dick Cheney = NFL's #256th draft pick (Mr. Irrelevant)
Originally posted by gonegolfing:
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
It says a lot about this country that a psychopath like "5 deferment" Cheney is taken seriously or even given a platform to spew his deranged views.
Cheney is ten-times the man Obama could even dream about plus dick actually like America.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
"Rarely has a U.S. President been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many."
To be fair, Cheney is a recognized expert on taking down America. Arguably the recognized expert. If he says Obama is doing a good job of it, we probably ought to pay attention.
Originally posted by Tom Paris:

Originally posted by hawkbleeder:
And to think that Obama actually has Americans (brainiacs them all, no doubt) cheering him on.
You are talking about "Dick" Cheney, correct? Good Lord. You listen to that guy?
Of course. He's a man's man...not afraid to defend us.
Originally posted by bagdropper:
Originally posted by hawkeye54545:
Much like GWB I feel like Obama is a bad president and is bringing America down. Also like GWB I don't think Obama intentionally wants to take America down it is just he is over matched as president.

I blame us the voters for not nominating better people.
Couldn't agree more.

Obama isn't the problem, Bush wasn't the problem. Voters were, and are - the problem.
Somebody else got 543,895 more votes than Bush did in 2000. Oit is prolly right, this shit is rigged!
Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Wants to take America down? My God he already has!
Obama has lifted America way up from where Bush and Cheney left it.

Originally posted by bagdropper:
Originally posted by hawkeye54545:
Much like GWB I feel like Obama is a bad president and is bringing America down. Also like GWB I don't think Obama intentionally wants to take America down it is just he is over matched as president.

I blame us the voters for not nominating better people.
Couldn't agree more.

Obama isn't the problem, Bush wasn't the problem. Voters were, and are - the problem.

Yet Obama wants to mandate every citizen must vote? Yikes. We're bad enough without everyone voting.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:

Originally posted by Tom Paris:

Originally posted by hawkbleeder:
And to think that Obama actually has Americans (brainiacs them all, no doubt) cheering him on.
You are talking about "Dick" Cheney, correct? Good Lord. You listen to that guy?
Of course. He's a man's man...not afraid to defend us.
During Vietnam, he sure as hell was afraid to defend us.
Originally posted by CarolinaHawkeye:

Originally posted by hawkbleeder:

Originally posted by Tom Paris:

Originally posted by hawkbleeder:
And to think that Obama actually has Americans (brainiacs them all, no doubt) cheering him on.
You are talking about "Dick" Cheney, correct? Good Lord. You listen to that guy?
Of course. He's a man's man...not afraid to defend us.
During Vietnam, he sure as hell was afraid to defend us.
Originally posted by Hawkeyemc:
Originally posted by bagdropper:
Originally posted by hawkeye54545:
Much like GWB I feel like Obama is a bad president and is bringing America down. Also like GWB I don't think Obama intentionally wants to take America down it is just he is over matched as president.

I blame us the voters for not nominating better people.
Couldn't agree more.

Obama isn't the problem, Bush wasn't the problem. Voters were, and are - the problem.

Yet Obama wants to mandate every citizen must vote? Yikes. We're bad enough without everyone voting.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If you mandate voting, maybe you can then get people behind the idea that we should invest in an educated populace. On the grounds that "if those people are going to vote, let's at least try to get them to know what they are voting on and able to make sensible decisions."

The problem is that the people who actually run things don't want the public to have more than a token voice. So neither of those things - mandatory voting or an educated public - is likely to happen.
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:

Originally posted by Tom Paris:

Originally posted by hawkbleeder:
And to think that Obama actually has Americans (brainiacs them all, no doubt) cheering him on.
You are talking about "Dick" Cheney, correct? Good Lord. You listen to that guy?
Of course. He's a man's man...not afraid to defend us.
If you aren't in Cheney's circle of friends, and speak positively about him, it makes you look like a complete moron. Man's man? Give me an effing break. He is an evil man.
Originally posted by jscott78:
Obama is an heroic figure who has saved America.
Your water truck you drive for Obama is just hilarious. Do you have visual's of yourself and him alone in a Limo with a bag of coke and weed?
I've never seen this video before, but I'm sure it's made it's way out here in the past. This just makes me hate Cheney even more (if that's possible). He knew exactly what would happen if we invaded Iraq, then did it anyway. Tool.

Dick WAS a smart guy...
Originally posted by nowalkin:

I've never seen this video before, but I'm sure it's made it's way out here in the past. This just makes me hate Cheney even more (if that's possible). He knew exactly what would happen if we invaded Iraq, then did it anyway. Tool.
He set the bar pretty high.
George Bush has stayed out of the public eye for the most part. I think all President's should do that once they leave office. Except for charitable and other good will works. Do the memoir thing. Give an interview now and then. Be seen at sporting events.
Dick Cheney just won't STFU. I don't know if he needs money and keeps stirring the pot to get booking fees on right wing venues, or if he is just delusional enough to think if he keeps braying like a lone jackass in the field eventually he'll be believed.
cheney knows a ton about the plan of the globalists and new world order types and how they are taking America down, cheney knows Obama is just a puppet in this , as was he

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