Chicago TV Station Wishes Jews A Happy Yom Kippur With Nazi Emblem


HB King
May 29, 2001

A Chicago television news station made a truly unfortunate art choice to accompany a segment on the Jewish High Holidays on Wednesday: the yellow Star of David that Jews were legally required to wear during the Holocaust.

The stock photo was first flagged by a Chicago editor, who posted a screenshot of the WGN news broadcast online.

The station responded to apologize for the art choice about 30 minutes later, and said in a tweet the image was "inadvertently" used.


In a statement posted online, the station said the picture came from its image bank, and they "failed to recognize that the image was an offensive Nazi symbol."

"We are extremely embarrassed and we deeply apologize to our viewers and to the Jewish community for this mistake," the WGN statement said. "Ignorance is not an excuse."

The station was also taking apologies to its viewers out of the public sphere, with "J. Lyons, News Dir." directing individual users to direct message WGN's account.

European Jews were legally required to wear the yellow badge on their clothing beginning after Kristallnacht in November, 1938, but the anti-Semitic practice of forcing Jewish citizens to don an identifying badge dates back to the 13th century.
Reminds me of one of my favorite Jon Stewart jokes from his standup days.

"Yom Kippur - Jewish day of atonement. You don't eat for one day, all your sin for the year is wiped clean. Beat that, with your 'lent'. What is that, 40 days? Even in sin they're paying retail."
Hey Jude, don't be afraid.... take a sad song and make it better!
I'm almost there to liking this, just for creativity and effort. It's a tough subject, though. Hard to issue a like on a thread that stems from the Holocaust.
I'm almost there to liking this, just for creativity and effort. It's a tough subject, though. Hard to issue a like on a thread that stems from the Holocaust.
Pretend swag is Jewish. Then it's PC enough to find funny... for people who need to be PC.
Not sure which should have been the more obvious catch....the German "Juden" or the blue striped death camp uniform backdrop.
it seems media companies really don't invest in proofreaders any more - and if they do, they're snot-noses (meaning cheap) fresh out of school who haven't a clue about such a mundane concept
Another little "dittie" from the Nazis...however I actually think the gays wear this with "pride" now.