Chris Matthews on Amy Klobuchar: "She seemed like a President tonight."

I don't see enough "far left liberal dogma" in Pete's positions. Hardly any, in fact. Most of his policy statements have been of the "we shouldn't try to do too much" variety. He's working very hard to appeal to the middle of the road by not being controversial on anything.

Don't get me wrong, that well-spoken, non-controversial approach has been working for Pete. But it's a far cry from "far left liberal."
Uhmmm.... He's the most charismatic of all the dems running and most well spoken.
But do feel his stand on illegal aliens' open borders and "reparations" is a bridge too far and will turn off too many voters. I think he's even in favor of "free health care" for illegals.
Wish he was a conservative rep. He would have my vote.
Steyer backed Inslee until he dropped out. Then he got into the race himself.

I suspect Steyer will drop out eventually and will support the candidate he perceives as strongest on climate change and corruption.

Unfortunately for Amy, she isn't particularly strong on either of those issues. In fact, she's pretty much a no-show on climate change - which is Steyer's most important issue.

I don't think most people realize that Steyer's money has been paying off in SC and, a little lesser, in Nevada. He's around 15-20 percent in most recent Carolina polls. He's got the AA population pretty well going for him after Biden there. It shows what uncontested money in a state does. Much like Biden, in an honest state contest he torpedoes, but he's not as dead in the water as most think. Kind of sad, but true.
Steyer backed Inslee until he dropped out. Then he got into the race himself.

I suspect Steyer will drop out eventually and will support the candidate he perceives as strongest on climate change and corruption.

Unfortunately for Amy, she isn't particularly strong on either of those issues. In fact, she's pretty much a no-show on climate change - which is Steyer's most important issue.
If he backs Bernie, that will be 4 (or more) more years of Trump.