Chronic, unexplained high BP

Dec 14, 2002
My (no pic) sisters son (23) - is very fit and a healthy eater. Non-drinker, non-smoker - a runner and lifts weights. Has been on the entire roster of BP medicines and still can't get his BP down. No history of high BP in the family. Drastically cut sodium intake. Nothing has consistently kept his BP down.

Alternative medicine Dr's of GIAOT - Are there any options to lower his BP or is he dead soon?
My (no pic) sisters son (23) - is very fit and a healthy eater. Non-drinker, non-smoker - a runner and lifts weights. Has been on the entire roster of BP medicines and still can't get his BP down. No history of high BP in the family. Drastically cut sodium intake. Nothing has consistently kept his BP down.

Alternative medicine Dr's of GIAOT - Are there any options to lower his BP or is he dead soon?

How high is it?

Is he under constant stress?
My (no pic) sisters son (23) - is very fit and a healthy eater. Non-drinker, non-smoker - a runner and lifts weights. Has been on the entire roster of BP medicines and still can't get his BP down. No history of high BP in the family. Drastically cut sodium intake. Nothing has consistently kept his BP down.

Alternative medicine Dr's of GIAOT - Are there any options to lower his BP or is he dead soon?
Get his calcium levels checked. There is some weird thing caused by the thyroid that can cause high levels of calcium in the blood. Raised BP, fatigue and potential blockage. Seriously.
My (no pic) sisters son (23) - is very fit and a healthy eater. Non-drinker, non-smoker - a runner and lifts weights. Has been on the entire roster of BP medicines and still can't get his BP down. No history of high BP in the family. Drastically cut sodium intake. Nothing has consistently kept his BP down.

Alternative medicine Dr's of GIAOT - Are there any options to lower his BP or is he dead soon?
I would look into it possibly being caused by anxiety and/or stress. If he's gone to a doctor and nothing seems to be working, maybe a therapist would be a good stop before trying more medication. Just my 2 cents.
I would look into it possibly being caused by anxiety and/or stress. If he's gone to a doctor and nothing seems to be working, maybe a therapist would be a good stop before trying more medication. Just my 2 cents.

Same here.

Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

If he's having stressful thoughts constantly that will raise blood pressure.
My (no pic) sisters son (23) - is very fit and a healthy eater. Non-drinker, non-smoker - a runner and lifts weights. Has been on the entire roster of BP medicines and still can't get his BP down. No history of high BP in the family. Drastically cut sodium intake. Nothing has consistently kept his BP down.

Alternative medicine Dr's of GIAOT - Are there any options to lower his BP or is he dead soon?
Have to go digging. Obviously make sure nothing weird in a complete blood panel. Cover basics. Talk to doctor about specialist help. Endocrinology, cardiology... etc. May have to explore those domains. Tell them to push their doctor for that.

At that age you don't just take a pill and chalk it up to genetics.
They may already be doing something like this, but they can obviously self monitor their BP with at home devices. Check it at various times of day, track it and see if any patterns emerge… then go back and see if there was an issues with things like sleep, diet or stress or otherwise, that could have contributed to the pattern and take action from there.
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Does he have any high BP symptoms? When I was 23 my blood pressure was sky high. Really bad headaches, heart palpitations, etc. went to endocrinologist and turns out I had a tumor on the adrenal gland.

Do I think this is what’s happening to your nephew, probably not but as others have said maybe look to a specialist after having some labs run.
I bet he has cooties. Give him a cooties shot.
