Citizenship By Subscription -- Now With POLL

Would you sell your US citizenship for $2 million (clear).

  • I have dual citizenship somewhere else. I'd sell in a heartbeat.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have dual citizenship somewhere else. Probably not but I'd think about it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have dual citizenship somewhere else. No effing way I'd sell.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do not have citizenship somewhere else. I'd probably sell.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Poll added.

If you would sell (or might sell), where would you go?

What would happen to you if you stayed? Anything? Would anyone notice?

[The assumption here is that there's no law against it. That's probably not the case, but let's pretend it is for the thought experiment.]
If you aren't a citizen can you still collect the Social Security and Medicare you paid for all your working life?

If so, I'd probably move to British Columbia near the border. On the theory that that way I could get the best of their health service and Medicare.

If not, maybe New Zealand, Australia, UK, Ireland or one of the Scandinavian countries.
I would likely go somewhere where I could speak the language (with a brush-up) and some sort of back door access to citizenship ... so Scotland, Panama, Germany or Luxembourg. (In Scotland, the actual passport/citizenship would be granted by the UK., so that would open things up to about half of the Free World.)
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I'm getting close to retirement so it is intriguing to me. What would keep me from just saying yes is not being close to our grandchildren. I would not want to miss seeing them grow up.
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I'm getting close to retirement so it is intriguing to me. What would keep me from just saying yes is not being close to our grandchildren. I would not want to miss seeing them grow up.
And that’s understandable.

In my case, my brother’s stepson would like me to go to Portugal. I won’t pay rent because I speak the language.

But I know what it’s like to be living in a foreign country away from family. You miss them.
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My wife has dual citizenship in Latvia. Her and her brother own 40 hectares in a couple of family plots. They cut timber on it from time to time and they get the cash. One of the cousins is a border guard on the Russian line. He's a stud, you wouldn't mess with him, he'd kill Putin with his bare hands. We all hate the Russians and have for 60 years...