CJ Fredrick will have Surgery on Hamstring & Likely Miss the Entire 21-22 Season


HB King
Nov 3, 2012
Heaven, Iowa

Bet he ends up as at least a 6 year player. Ali Patberg,an Indiana women’s player, will be playing her 7th year.
I wish CJ a speedy recovery. I don’t like that he transferred, but he’s a young kid that doesn’t deserve this.

That said, his transfer in retrospect was a huge win for the program. Jordan’s re-recruitment was a direct result of his transfer. If CJ stays and then misses the season here, Iowa would be in a world of trouble. Jordan was 3-5 from three yesterday. The rest of the team was 1-11. We will have better shooting days, but this team is far better with the soon to be all time Big Ten 3 point leader.
I don't wish him ill. Frankly I don't really care that he left.

It does seem like he's rather fragile. Even if he could have helped some at the 2 spot he may have not been available anyway.
I wish no ill will on anyone

That being said, this guy is made of glass and his body is held together by prayers and duct tape.
I agree. I don't wish bad injuries on anybody.

But if someone in this world had to get hurt I'm glad it's him and not someone who isn't a classless pile of human garbage.
I'm not "glad" he's injured, but neither am I "sad". In the least.

I named him "Glass-Foot" for a reason.
Who is this guy that you all speak of. Oh the guy who speaks through his uncle.

How mature.
The little prick did Iowa dirt. Why should anyone here spend 2 seconds wishing him the best. The guy that still mooning over the girl that TD'd for Prom I suppose.
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He had a chance to be a special player for the Hawks but seemed to be looking elsewhere midway through his final season here. Now it appears he will be somewhat less for them. I guess the grass isn't always bluer.

He's been injury prone since he arrived at Iowa. Remember when he took a charge from Tyler Cook and it cracked his ribs?

Things have worked out in the end for Iowa. Our team got better this year when JBo decided to return & when unreliable, mostly injured CJ left.
He's been injury prone since he arrived at Iowa. Remember when he took a charge from Tyler Cook and it cracked his ribs?

Things have worked out in the end for Iowa. Our team got better this year when JBo decided to return & when unreliable, mostly injured CJ left.
Bad concussion in taking that charge also. Can you picture little skinny CJ, who weighed around 170 when he came in taking a charge from Ty Cook running at full speed? Do you think Tyler even knew he hit something?
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