Clark shoulder

He said torn ligaments in left wrist and dislocated left shoulder twice last fall. Great warrior. Will miss both Clark and Gilman.. ultimate competitors!
I dislocated a finger about 40 years ago. Scared the crap out of me looking at it and it took about 15 minutes under ice water and 2 fathers on a camping trip to yank it back into place. It still is wonky when I point with that finger.

A larger joint is even crazier. What a badass.
That will impact his video game skills, but he could be like the Def Leppard drummer of gaming then

You do not want to "game" against CC. Do not go there

Have you not learned anything this past weekend?
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YouTube slap tear surgery and you'll see it's a pretty easy surgery. He just needs to take his time in rehab.
Yeah, I would imagine easy dislocation = labrum surgery at the minimum. The surgeon will see once he's got CC on the table and opened if the bone is detached. It is amazing he even AA'd this year, let alone won it all. Unable to rely on his brutish strength this year, he made some fantastic adjustments from a positioning standpoint during the tournament. It was absolutely technical proficiency and dictating each match to overcome what very few ever could. This may have been the most impressive mental performance we've ever seen out of a Hawk in NCAA's.

Gonna miss CC at 33.
YouTube slap tear surgery and you'll see it's a pretty easy surgery. He just needs to take his time in rehab.

Slap tear surgery is not "pretty easy" surgery, especially with regards to possible retearing in athletes who stress the shoulder. Wrestling would certainly qualify as brutal in stressing the joint.

On top of that, Cory sounds like he needs wrist surgery for ligament tears.

Hoping for the best.
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I think it made him a far better wrestler. His low level shots were things of beauty and his single defense is exactly what I want my kids to do...two hands on that one arm, go to the head (into a murkel), and get their 2. I think it has made him better for freestyle and I hope he goes into it.

And to think how worried we all were his redshirt year about his grades!
I think it made him a far better wrestler. His low level shots were things of beauty and his single defense is exactly what I want my kids to do...two hands on that one arm, go to the head (into a murkel), and get their 2. I think it has made him better for freestyle and I hope he goes into it.

And to think how worried we all were his redshirt year about his grades!

Was that the year he was top ten in HALO? ;)
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YouTube slap tear surgery and you'll see it's a pretty easy surgery. He just needs to take his time in rehab.
Had this surgery in 2013. Took an entire year to feel somewhat normal. They were able to scope mine. Put in 4 anchors and detached the bicep and reattached it in a stronger spot of the labrum. Its far from an easy surgery. Took 3+ months to be able to sleep in bed without pain, thus had to sleep in a recliner. had to wipe lefty for 3 months. Not fun. The day I could finally lift a 2LB dumbbell above my head I felt like the strongest man in the world. The 1st couple weeks of PT will have you crying like a baby. But I'm glad i did the surgery. Never felt better. Shout out to Dr Jacobson at CNOS in the Dakota Dunes, SD.
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Had this surgery in 2013. Took an entire year to feel somewhat normal. They were able to scope mine. Put in 4 anchors and detached the bicep and reattached it in a stronger spot of the labrum. Its far from an easy surgery. Took 3+ months to be able to sleep in bed without pain, thus had to sleep in a recliner. had to wipe lefty for 3 months. Not fun. The day I could finally lift a 2LB dumbbell above my head I felt like the strongest man in the world. The 1st couple weeks of PT will have you crying like a baby. But I'm glad i did the surgery. Never felt better. Shout out to Dr Jacobson at CNOS in the Dakota Dunes, SD.
1. Also had it done and took me 6 months to feel normal
2. Cory is in much better physical condition than me
3. Was already mentioned that corys muscles were strong even with tear which makes recovery easier
4. He has way more resources regarding physical therapy than most people
5. I should've put " " around easy as no surgery is easy but this is relatively easy compared to back or knee surgery
6. I guess I'll also add I'm not as good an athlete as CC so I never had as high quality of people working on my shoulder in a match as him so maybe his is a lot worse than mine
7. Surgery is different for everyone so maybe it will take him longer I guess we won't know til he's back
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I heard Cory Clark can kill two stones with 1 bird.

I also heard when Clark was in middle school, his English teacher assigned an essay: "What is courage?" He received an A+ for turning in a blank page with only his name at the top.
I think it made him a far better wrestler. His low level shots were things of beauty and his single defense is exactly what I want my kids to do...two hands on that one arm, go to the head (into a murkel), and get their 2. I think it has made him better for freestyle and I hope he goes into it.

And to think how worried we all were his redshirt year about his grades!

According to Terry, Greco is a strong possibility for Cory, at this point...
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The question we should be asking about Clark's shoulder is; when is the University of Iowa going to put up a bronze statue of CC's shoulder next to Gable's statue?
Great job of overcoming injuries to win which is obviously very difficult to do. Just my take, but I think Gable (as well as the Brands brothers) was an instrumental and very involved figure in CC's run to the title. Just one of the reason for the picture of Gable and CC after the title. The mental toughness CC showed is something all Gable wrestlers exhibited. As great of coaches as the Brands Brothers, they may never be the psychological coaches that Gable was and is (I don't believe there is a wrestling coach out there who compares to Gable in this area).

I also believe Tom Brands (and staff) consult with Gable often to see what changes need to be made during and out of season to get the team back to the top. Remember, Gable had a couple substandard years (by his standards) and made necessary changes to get back on top.
Amazing feat by Cory. I've seen guys win High Shcool State titles and I think a couple might have even won NCAA titles with torn ACLs, but he's the first I can think of with a blown out shoulder, and definitely the first with serious shoulder and wrist at the same time. Many great wrestlers have tried; Matt McDonough, Troy Nickerson, Angel Escobedo, (I hate to mention these two, but) Jesse Delgado and Darrion Caldwell, but none of them succeeded. Congrats to Cory, I'm so happy for him. His win made my tournament.

I tried wrestling half of my Senior year of H.S. with a dislocated shoulder and went from being 13-1 in January to being 16-5-2 after Districts, and I certainly didn't face any Nathan Tomasellos or Seth Gross or Stepan Micics.
Wish I could compare those surgeries for you, but I never had surgery on the shoulder (which I can roll out of joint at any time I want) and have separated/dislocated multiple times since, but have had two knee and two back surgeries. They were all a piece of cake for me, but I've had friends who had the shoulder surgery and really struggled in rehab.

Anyway, I'm sure Cory will rehab both injuries well, and I wish him the best. I know if he continues on in the world's greatest sport he will be an asset to team USA.
I'm just so damn happy he won. If he would have lost that would have been the most disappointing/depressing tournament in a long time.
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Slap tear surgery is not "pretty easy" surgery, especially with regards to possible retearing in athletes who stress the shoulder. Wrestling would certainly qualify as brutal in stressing the joint.

On top of that, Cory sounds like he needs wrist surgery for ligament tears.

Hoping for the best.

This is very true. I've had a slap, ruptured pec repaired and a clean out on 1 shoulder. The surgery will get rid of the pain, but at least in my case, the amount of movement I had after the surgery was no where near what it used to be. The strength was extremely limited as well. Hope Clark the best and that he has success from the surgery.

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