This time with their crazy attempt to paint Sanders, the Socialist, as being against a government bailout of auto unions.
This lying shill Granholm is doing a lot of "what Hilary meant by that was..." nonsense that people do when they know they are defending a liar.
I mean, the record shows that one of the earliest proponents of helping the auto industry was Sanders. He wanted Stimulus money to go towards it for chrissakes. He then voted FOR a stand alone bill that didn't get off the ground.
When the Clintons deregulated Wall Street, voted for Iraq (which were big factors in causing the economy to crash in the first place) and jammed NAFTA through which crushed the auto industry, it was THEM who were the reason they all needed bailouts in the first place.
Amazing so many Democrats are able to overlook that. No principles whatsoever. I mean, how in the blue hell are you going to sit there and pretend the SOCIALIST was against a government bailout of the auto unions. How dishonest can you be?
This lying shill Granholm is doing a lot of "what Hilary meant by that was..." nonsense that people do when they know they are defending a liar.
I mean, the record shows that one of the earliest proponents of helping the auto industry was Sanders. He wanted Stimulus money to go towards it for chrissakes. He then voted FOR a stand alone bill that didn't get off the ground.
When the Clintons deregulated Wall Street, voted for Iraq (which were big factors in causing the economy to crash in the first place) and jammed NAFTA through which crushed the auto industry, it was THEM who were the reason they all needed bailouts in the first place.
Amazing so many Democrats are able to overlook that. No principles whatsoever. I mean, how in the blue hell are you going to sit there and pretend the SOCIALIST was against a government bailout of the auto unions. How dishonest can you be?