CNN's 1/6 Special....


HB King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
Damn, I forgot (almost) how phuquin' stupid Trump supporters were/are....How damn gullible can a person be? How can actual adults grow up with absolutely NO critical thinking skills learned or acquired? We are now "at the rally" listening to the inspirational speakers.....Gawd damn, Americans really can be that stupid! But then......"just another day of Capital Building tourism" I guess.........EWow......
Well, back to it...only 45 more minutes of inspiration left! Trump did act inn a treasonist manner that day....he (and many others) need to go to prison. The pics CNN have are pretty clear...IDs ought to be pretty easy.
Damn, I forgot (almost) how phuquin' stupid Trump supporters were/are....How damn gullible can a person be? How can actual adults grow up with absolutely NO critical thinking skills learned or acquired? We are now "at the rally" listening to the inspirational speakers.....Gawd damn, Americans really can be that stupid! But then......"just another day of Capital Building tourism" I guess.........EWow......
Well, back to it...only 45 more minutes of inspiration left! Trump did act inn a treasonist manner that day....he (and many others) need to go to prison. The pics CNN have are pretty clear...IDs ought to be pretty easy.
Speaking of what you just typed.
If you want another perspective on how stupid the supporters are/were, check out the embedded podcast from January. Straight from the idiots’ mouths.
Not great at linking. It aired on Jan. 15
Who are the hosts? Like there are literally at least four podcasts called “Embedded,” one from NPR, one on tech, then at least two hosted by random guys I’ve never heard of.

You sold me on the podcast, but you really haven’t given great directions on where I can look 😜
Who are the hosts? Like there are literally at least four podcasts called “Embedded,” one from NPR, one on tech, then at least two hosted by random guys I’ve never heard of.

You sold me on the podcast, but you really haven’t given great directions on where I can look 😜
It’s the NPR one, sorry.
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How anyone can watch that and think “those are my boys!!!!!!! Trump 2020/24!” Is beyond me. I mean…you’re basically a mental midget by any standard that I grew up with. What am I missing?
This is ****ing nuts. Had no idea they'd be interviewing participants of January 6th.
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How anyone can watch that and think “those are my boys!!!!!!! Trump 2020/24!” Is beyond me. I mean…you’re basically a mental midget by any standard that I grew up with. What am I missing?
These folks are the dumbest motherphuquers that America has to offer! Beyond stupid! What country do they think this is?
These are the same (type) folks who boo VP Pense and call him “ traitor!”
Damn, I forgot (almost) how phuquin' stupid Trump supporters were/are....How damn gullible can a person be? How can actual adults grow up with absolutely NO critical thinking skills learned or acquired? We are now "at the rally" listening to the inspirational speakers.....Gawd damn, Americans really can be that stupid! But then......"just another day of Capital Building tourism" I guess.........EWow......
Well, back to it...only 45 more minutes of inspiration left! Trump did act inn a treasonist manner that day....he (and many others) need to go to prison. The pics CNN have are pretty clear...IDs ought to be pretty easy.
"Trump did not act in a treasonist manner that day" - obviously they didn't show what we said and you have never read it, because he said nothing treasonist. In fact he encouraged people to support the Republicans voting that day. I know because I've read the whole transcript.
Damn, I forgot (almost) how phuquin' stupid Trump supporters were/are....How damn gullible can a person be? How can actual adults grow up with absolutely NO critical thinking skills learned or acquired? We are now "at the rally" listening to the inspirational speakers.....Gawd damn, Americans really can be that stupid! But then......"just another day of Capital Building tourism" I guess.........EWow......
Well, back to it...only 45 more minutes of inspiration left! Trump did act inn a treasonist manner that day....he (and many others) need to go to prison. The pics CNN have are pretty clear...IDs ought to be pretty easy.

Why was Trump at this "inn"? Doesn't he own enough hotels that he could spend the night at.
"Trump did not act in a treasonist manner that day" - obviously they didn't show what we said and you have never read it, because he said nothing treasonist. In fact he encouraged people to support the Republicans voting that day. I know because I've read the whole transcript.
No, he did not. You are flat-assed wrong. Her asked for Pence to do "the right thing" that would have delayed Biden's certification. What Trump wanted was exactly the wrong thing for the nation. are smarter than that. Trump committed treason against the United States that January day in Washington DC.