CNN's Don Lemon gets owned and then goes full Stalin and cuts video on guest.


HB Legend
Dec 23, 2007
This segment is some funny stuff. First, the guest calls into question why CNN wants to keep talking about Trump's use of the word schlong, then he asks why there was no outrage over Hillary defending the infidelity of her husband (Remember, according to her it was a "vast right wing conspiracy").

CNN's Don Lemon is offended and shuts him down.

Funny how the left wing media wants to control what is talked about and what is not. Can't talk about how Hillary stood by her man while she assassinated some people's character. CNN proves once again they are the Clinton network.
Jump to the last 30 seconds of this crap:

It's not fair to call Clinton a serial sexual abuser, but it's fine to call Cosby a rapist.
Let's talk about Hillary.

Unless it has to do with her enabling Bill. Or, her job performance. Or, her personal integrity.

Or, anything that doesn't pump sunshine her way.
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