Coach of the Year


HB Heisman
Nov 13, 2014
Pulling for IL to knock off NW, as Braun looks to be KF’s biggest competition for COY. I think KF’s chances go up with NW at 6-6 rather than 7-5.

Day is out after the loss at the Cheaters and Hairball won’t win it because he’s a damn cheater, so it’s KF and Braun.

Let’s go, Fighting Berts!
I don’t see it since lots of people expected Iowa to win the West preseason. Maybe though, if voters want to make a statement about the Minny ref robbery.
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actually, I was pulling for NW to win today ( and I think they did) due to the simple fact that Illinois I perceive as a much bigger threat to our way of life (i.e., the recruiting pipeline to the state of Illinois)

In other words, the worse Illinois does, the better we do recruiting-wise at least in theory. I just don't like the idea of Illini poaching "our" recruits. NW, on the other hand is not as big of a threat recruiting-wise as Illini, IMO.
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