Manufacturing is in Horrible shape, started in July of last year. We have had four months in a row of contraction of the purchasing managers index. Seems to be firming up a little at present, however beyond 30 days orders are shaky. Ag, Auto, Agricultural, Aerospace, and Aerospace are all down. The only thing booming is gun sales. This type of a down year is typical of a Presidential Election Year, however it is aggravated this cycle by cheap oil, low defense spending and low agricultural prices (Farm income is down 50% vs. two years ago). Additionally, Tier 4 engines, those wonderful things forced on us by the Federal Government, are going to push out the start of the next boom cycle of Ag Equipment. It is due to start late 2018 and be in full swing by 2020 (It is an 8 to 11 year cycle). However, due to the hate of the latest generation of engines I would suspect that it will push off the Ag Equipment recovery by several years. One only has to look at he Ground Transportation Industry to see how the trend will play out. Owner/Operators will push out purchase of Tier 4 Engine equipment and rebuild Tier 3 engines and stick them in new chassis.