Complete Midlands 2017 Preview + Predictions from FloWrestling


HB All-American
Dec 31, 2015
Happy Holidays!

Here's a link to the FloWrestling Article that gives some decent information for each weight class as well as predictions for first through fourth. Can't wait to see what Lee, Warner and PD3 bring to the Midlands. Also, great tests for the Bull and Sammy, as well as a good opportunity to see how Gunther looks against a respectable group at 174. Finally hoping someone can look respectable at 141 (I've lost hope at 133), and perhaps Bowman can make some magic happen at 184...
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Happy Holidays!

Here's a link to the FloWrestling Article that gives some decent information for each weight class as well as predictions for first through fourth. Can't wait to see what Lee, Warner and PD3 bring to the Midlands. Also, great tests for the Bull and Sammy, as well as a good opportunity to see how Gunther looks against a respectable group at 174. Finally hoping someone can look respectable at 141 (I've lost hope at 133), and perhaps Bowman can make some magic happen at 184... midlands&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_content=article&utm_term=content1&rtid=9308&coverage_id=6022388&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWkdabU4yTmhPRGt3TUdJeiIsInQiOiJLdG50U0JJQzFUcXp5NStOMVlSRWpBb2ZNV2NIejA0ZlQzbG54ais1MmZScmVWNlFVaUFSamVmNGJlU2l3bERUanhcL1ljQVcwbUNxTEZaV1RIR1NkUVU0ZVwvbVdzakNrTEJuK3NBQnk5WjcxVXhPdTgzZjUxSjFJMlB3TUpINHhvIn0=

Our starting 133# has what, one loss, and you talk like he shouldn’t be on the mat. He is a 5th senior who was a top 100 recruit. Why don’t you let him lose a few more matches before treating him like he’s a sub-500 record. And before you say it, he was behind a 4x All American...Not Topher Carton...that was the 141# you are giving some extra credit to.
Our starting 133# has what, one loss, and you talk like he shouldn’t be on the mat. He is a 5th senior who was a top 100 recruit. Why don’t you let him lose a few more matches before treating him like he’s a sub-500 record. And before you say it, he was behind a 4x All American...Not Topher Carton...that was the 141# you are giving some extra credit to.
You are one dense SOB
Warner will red shirt and maybe even Lee lets wait till March.
Sure be happy for Midland's and Jan to come then we can maybe
make some sense..
Our starting 133# has what, one loss, and you talk like he shouldn’t be on the mat. He is a 5th senior who was a top 100 recruit. Why don’t you let him lose a few more matches before treating him like he’s a sub-500 record. And before you say it, he was behind a 4x All American...Not Topher Carton...that was the 141# you are giving some extra credit to.

Trust me, my friend, I've got nothing but love for the guy but that doesn't mean I'm going to change my feelings on his potential against the field. Just don't think Laux or Glynn will get more than one win between them in the champions bracket. I hope I'm wrong and that they will get an upset or two before heading to the cons, but I just don't see it.